Welcome to the Legislative Library of New Brunswick, celebrating 175 years of service: 1841 to present! The Legislative Library provides information, reference and research services to meet the needs of its principal clientele, the Members of the Legislative Assembly and staff of government departments. In addition to serving its principal clientele the library is also open to the public.

The Legislative Library offers professional research assistance to patrons who are doing on-site research, as well as for those who are unable to visit the library.

Staff can help patrons research both public and private legislation using a variety of tools including New Brunswick Statutes, Journals and indexes to the private acts.

The wide collection of materials housed in the Legislative Library enables staff to help patrons with biographical, historical and general research.

The Library’s catalogue allows patrons to search an author, title, or subject using simple keywords or advanced Boolean searching.

Once logged into the catalogue patrons can create personalized reading lists, place requests for new material, and renew material that is currently checked out.

The Legislative Library has several collections housed in its two locations including, legislative materials, the New Brunswick Collection, Government Documents, Main Collection, Reference Collection, Microfilm/Microfiche Collection, serials, and all current New Brunswick newspapers.

The Library also has several electronic resources that were developed in-house including a government document electronic repository, an election database, as well as, a database of women MLAs.

Legislative Assembly Building
Centre Block
706 Queen Street
Fredericton, New Brunswick

Reference Desk
(506) 453-2338
[email protected]

New Arrivals

Recent NB Government Electronic Documents

  • The cost-benefit revolution
  • Cass R. Sunstein
  • Too dumb for democracy : why we made bad political decisions and how we can make better ones
  • David Moscrop
  • The state of the system : a reality check on Canada's schools
  • Paul W. Bennett.
  • Guide historique routier des établissements acadiens aux trois rivières et au Beaubassin Nord = Historical road guide to the Acadian settlements in the Three Rivers and Northern Beaubassin
  • Paul Surette