Joëlle Morissette
Categories: Female Authors - Francophone Authors - Authors of Young Adult Literature - Saint John River Valley
I am originally from Lévis in Québec and I have lived in Fredericton for almost two years.
How has New Brunswick influenced your work?
In the summer of 2008, I went to learn English at the University of New Brunswick (UNB) in Fredericton. I quickly fell under the charm of the city. Since I was passionate about ghost stories for young people, an instructor of the program who is now a good friend of mine had me visit a building at UNB, and told me stories about what happened to her when she was a student there. Her stories were my main source of inspiration. When I returned home, I picked up my pen and came up with a ghost story for young people, which takes place at UNB. I also asked friends and colleagues who live in different parts of New Brunswick to write stories about their region. I then included them at the end of my novel. The book was officially launched at École des Bâtisseurs in Fredericton a year and a half later.
What is your favourite New Brunswick book, and why?
Lettres d'amour d'un soldat acadien : bottes brunes et béret rouge by Jacques Chiasson because it’s about an Acadian soldier who fought at the front during the Second World War.
What do you consider to be the highlight of your career so far?
I have visited 136 elementary and high schools across New Brunswick, and in Quebec, Prince Edward Island, and Ontario. I have given my literary lecture several hundred times and I have shared my passion with thousands of children and teens.
Literary Prizes |
Nomination - The Hackmatack Children's Choice Book Award - 2008 | In recognition of: À l'aube de mon adolescence |
Featured Publication |
La chambre au bout du corridor (2010) |
Excerpt: Malgré elle, Maude se trouve obligée d'aller passer ses vacances à Fredericton, pour y vivre une immersion anglaise. Ce n'est vraiment pas ce qu'elle avait prévu faire durant l'été de ses 17 ans. À peine s'est-elle installée dans sa chambre que des phénomènes étranges se produisent. L'université, qui paraît si belle durant le jour, se transforme en véritable cauchemar la nuit. Une intruse vient bousculer la routine de ce campus, pour essayer de révéler la vérité qui se cache derrière les portes closes. |
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Source(s): Author.