Magazines and Journals

avril 04, 2012 | Affiché sous : Smarten Up

By Tom Stillwell - Library Assistant

Whether you're interested in political issues, current events, scholarly articles, or something lighter, the Legislative Library just might have it.  The Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique, Canadian Parliamentary Review/Revue Parlementaire Canadienne, Maclean's, Newsweek, l'Actualité, The New Yorker or Vanity Fair… we have something for everyone. 

Please feel free to come in and browse, or check out the online list of some of our current titles:

All but the most current issue can be borrowed for a one week period, or you can simply enjoy our comfortable seating area and read the magazines or journals of your choice. 

The Legislative Library also maintains a New Brunswick serials collection that ranges from newsletters to magazines to journals, both current and historical.  If you're looking for New Brunswick content that you can't seem to find anywhere else, give us a call, e-mail us, or simply drop by and we will do our best to find it for you.