NB Government Electronic Documents Repository

 Indicates a bilingual document. Click the icon to see the alternate language cover and title.

  • Marysville data centre incident review : final report /Ernst & Young LLP.
  • 2014.
  • New Brunswick hydrometric network analysis and rationalization /
  • 2016.
  • Water availability and security in New Brunswick /by Nassir El-Jabi and Noyan Turkkan and Daniel Caissie.
  • 2016.
  • Long term strategic capital planning framework : investing in infrastructure renewal = Cadre de planification strat...
  • 2017.
  • Cadre de planification stratégique des immobilisations à long terme : investir dans le renouvellement de l’infrastructur...
  • 2017.
  • Report of the New Brunswick Working Group on the Legalization of Cannabis = Rapport du Groupe de travail sur la lég...
  • 2017.
  • Rapport du Groupe de travail sur la légalisation du cannabis
  • 2017.
  • Business plan 2017-18 = Plan d'activités de 2017-18 /Auditor General of New Brunswick.
  • 2017.
  • Plan d'activités de 2017-18
  • 2017.
  • Business plan 2016-17 = Plan d'activités de 2016-17 /Auditor General of New Brunswick.
  • 2016.
  • Plan d'activités de 2016-17
  • 2016.
  • Profil égalité 2014 : femmes du Nouveau-Brunswick, un profil statistique /Direction de l'égalité des femmes. Bureau...
  • 2015.
  • Providing support for persons living with a disability = Fournir un soutien aux personnes ayant un handicap.
  • 2017.
  • Plan du Nouveau-Brunswick pour les familles
  • 2017.
NB Government Electronic Documents Repository Disclaimer
The number of electronic reports available in the Legislative Library’s Electronic Document Repository does not reflect the entire print holdings the Library has in its government documents collection. While the electronic listing is not complete, new reports are being added soon after they are released, as well as an ongoing effort to add older reports.

If an electronic document is altered/revised after its initial release it is not guaranteed that the Library’s electronic copy reflects the changes. If you have specific questions about the contents of a document, please contact the respective department, agency or commission.