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Dr. Jacques-A.  Frigault
Categories: Male AuthorsFrancophone AuthorsNovelistsAuthors of Non-FictionAcadian Coast

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I’m from Tracadie-Sheila, N.B. I graduated from École régionale de Tracadie in 1967. Then I studied at Université de Moncton, the University of New Brunswick, the American College of Hypnotherapy in Nebraska, and lastly, I did my master’s and Ph.D. degrees at Southwest University, Louisiana (13 years of university).

How has New Brunswick influenced your work?

All my works are influenced by New Brunswick’s Acadian context. The sub-cultural context is the basis for my publications. Without exception, they all reflect diverse facets of our New Brunswick heritage. Le goulag acadien and L’Acadie étoilée are two books that are most concerned with Acadian cultural heritage. However, the others allow us to open up certain aspects of ourselves as individuals living in socio-cultural contexts.

What do you consider to be the highlight of your career so far?

As a writer, my latest book, Psychothérapie, is the legacy of 38 years in my profession – here I am passing on the knowledge gleaned from my observations in my field. Being able to share with readers various aspects of functioning as a human being has been a privilege for me. Certain books, such as L’Amour… sens de vivre, sens de mourir and L’ombre dans l’âme, are major research works that will live on for a long time without being equaled in Acadie, as authors simply are not writing about these subjects.

Literary Prizes

Nomination -  Prix France-Acadie (honourable mention) In recognition of: Le goulag acadien (1960-2000)
Nomination -  Prix France-Acadie In recognition of: L’Acadie étoilée : hommage au 400e anniversaire de notre fondation en Amérique

Featured Publication

Psychothérapie : une approche globale

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Source(s): Author.