Tania Robichaud
Categories: Female Authors - Francophone Authors - Novelists - Illustrators - Acadian Coast
Source: Stephanie Dugas
Tania Robichaud is originally from Tracadie, on the Acadian Peninsula. She is passionate about all facets of the arts: drawing, painting, writing, photography, cinema, etc. She has been drawing since her early childhood, having a strong preference for pencil and charcoal. At a young age, she participated in various competitions and won a dozen. When she graduated from the Polyvalente W.-A.-Losier in Tracadie in 2004, she hesitated between a career in the arts or sciences. In 2005, she started the first year of the Bachelor of Visual Arts program at the Université de Moncton – Moncton Campus, but she changed her mind along the way. She did, however, complete her first year. She then began training in 2D3D animation technology at the Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick – Péninsule acadienne (now 3D production), and she obtained her diploma in June 2008. She worked as a graphic designer for two printing companies in the region. In 2014, she founded her own small business, Acadie Pixie Créations, which specializes in various services related to the traditional and digital arts. Tania has also participated in several exhibitions of her work, including at the Académie Sainte-Famille and at the Tracadie Public Library. Filles du roi is her first self-published novel. She is currently writing a sequel to Filles du roi. The author also plans to write fantasy and suspense in the future.
How has New Brunswick influenced your work?
I have always loved history, architecture, and ancient civilizations. Some periods fascinated me more than others did, but in general, I am very interested in Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance. I also have a very keen interest in everything related to the history of our Acadian and Indigenous ancestors, their customs, their lifestyles, and so on. It inspires me to find old pictures of my ancestors and know about all they had to do to survive. I like antiques and vintage. They are objects full of history, which, if they could speak, would have much to tell us.
What do you consider to be the highlight of your career so far?
My career as a published author is nascent, so I don’t know if this moment has already happened, but I would say that I feel tremendous pride in having accomplished all that I have done on my own. I created my first novel from A to Z. Completely. I was not only the author, but also the artist, the illustrator, the graphic designer, the sales representative, the distributor, in short – I did it all! The only person other than myself to have worked on my book is my proofreader and editor. As for the rest, I took four years to realize this childhood dream and I am very proud. I hope that my novel and characters can serve as an example of perseverance for people and become a form of therapy and healing for readers.
Featured Publication |
Filles du roi (2018) |
Excerpt: Mi-juillet 1665. Quatre jeunes femmes s'embarquent à bord du Saint Raphaël, direction : Le Nouveau-Monde. Parmi elles : deux Filles du roi, une noble et une passagère clandestine. Mathilde: Impulsive, rebelle et têtue. Elle n'en fait qu'à sa tête. Forcée par ses parents de s'embarquer à bord d'un bateau en partance vers le Canada comme Fille du roi, la jeune femme se promet de vivre sa vie comme elle l'entend. Maurelle: Pondérée, intelligente et mystérieuse. Voyageant de villes en villages depuis toujours, un événement tragique la force à se rendre dans ce pays lointain que l'on appelle le Canada. Angélique: Douce, sensible et craintive. Elle ne connaît pas ses origines. Malmenée et soumise, elle se retrouve bien malgré elle obligée de partir vers le nouveau continent en tant que nouvelle Fille du roi. |
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Source(s): Author.