New Brunswick Author Portal

Marlene  Reid Hull
Categories: Female AuthorsAnglophone AuthorsNovelistsFundy Coast

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Marlene Reid Hull was born in Halifax and grew up in Amherst, Nova Scotia. During her career as a medical laboratory technologist, a major part of her volunteer activities included writing and after retiring, she decided to devote more time to it. Marlene has fond memories of summers with cousins in Saint John, her father’s home. Before moving to the port city, she lived in Miramichi City (then Newcastle), and Moncton. Marlene now lives in the heart of Saint John’s heritage district with her husband who shares her enjoyment of the time spent with their two children and five grandsons. Every Life Counted is her first novel.

How has New Brunswick influenced your work?

The city of Saint John was the catalytic force behind me writing this book. I could not have written it if I did not live here. I was surrounded by a sense of history and could not help reflecting that in the book.

What is your favourite New Brunswick book, and why?

My favourite New Brunswick book is The Friends of Meager Fortune by David Adams Richards. It goes without saying I like it because of the writing. Also, the story of the bygone era of forestry was extremely interesting. But more than that, I love the book because of the way Richards depicts heroic qualities in seemingly insignificant people. It is not the first book in which he has done that, and he does it extremely well.

What do you consider to be the highlight of your career so far?

Since I have only one book published to date, my career highlights are few! Rather than any one event, the mini-highlights are more meaningful to me. Calls and emails from total strangers take me by surprise. The hoopla of the launch, the readings at bookstores and participation in Irish Festivals are exciting and memorable. But it is the small random endorsements that wake me up and make me realize that while the big events are over, the book is “out there”, quietly making an impression on people. Not only is it very satisfying, it reminds me the responsibility a writer has to write with integrity and to offer the best that she can give.

Featured Publication

Every Life Counted

How can she have let her mother go to her grave with these stories imprisoned in the charms? Although her mother avoided talking about her past, perhaps at the end of her life, she would have shared some of it with her. It seems peculiar that the ringing doorbell reminded Morgan of the tinkling charms. It is not as if she had never heard the sound before. Why does it trigger such a reaction now? She looks again at the cover of the book. Resonating a past like her own ancestry, did the book lead her to examine the bracelet? Morgan shakes her head in disgust. As fanciful as her imagination is, she can not accept a theory such as that. She shrugs, “Things happen, no rhyme no reason.” Even as she says it, she does not believe it. She opens the book and resumes reading.

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Source(s): Author.