New Brunswick Author Portal

Réjean  Roy
Categories: Male AuthorsFrancophone AuthorsNorth


I graduated from École secondaire Népisiguit, in Bathurst, but I grew up in Petit-Rocher. I took environmental studies at the CCNB and then Biology at the Université du Québec à Rimouski, where I also studied Art.

How has New Brunswick influenced your work?

The forest and First Nations culture in New Brunswick have influenced my written work. I grew up in northern New Brunswick, where I spent a lot of time on the lakes and rivers. These elements continue to influence my work and the way I express myself.

What do you consider to be the highlight of your career so far?

So far, the highlight has been meeting with the Grade 5 class at the elementary school in St. Andrews.

Featured Publication

Le géant du nord canadien

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Source(s): Author.