New Brunswick Author Portal

Roland  Durette
Categories: Male AuthorsFrancophone AuthorsAuthors of Non-FictionNorth


I was born in Saint-Martin-de-Restigouche, N.B. and attended the village school.

How has New Brunswick influenced your work?

I was born in New Brunswick and knew a time when catechism was taught in secret in schools, and the crucifix was hidden when the school inspector, who was always English, came to visit us.

What is your favourite New Brunswick book, and why?

Le vol de l’aigle pêcheur by Raymond Breau. It is very interesting and well told.

What do you consider to be the highlight of your career so far?

My career as a writer is a wonderful pastime. It saddens me when all that makes up our lives is forgotten and discarded. I want my grandchildren to remember their Grampy and know that I love them.

Featured Publication

Le Dieu de mon enfance

Je voulais laisser un souvenir de mon enfance et toute la place que la religion occupait dans nos vies. Nous étions vraiment centrés sur l’église que nous fréquentions assidûment. C’était avec tous ses tabous et interdictions partout.

C’était le temps où l’on disait « vous » à nos parents, père et mère, et eux à leur tour devaient dire « vous » au curé et lui obéir aussi aveuglément que nous, sans demander d’explication.

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Source(s): Author.