Elections New Brunswick, Canada

49 Provincial Electoral Districts have submitted candidate names.


Name; Party;

Diane Cyr; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Gilles LePage; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Ronald Geraghty; Libertarian Party of New Brunswick;
Myriam Cormier; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Normand Pelletier; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Guy H. Arseneault; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Daisy Petersen; New Brunswick New Democratic Party;
Gilles Cormier; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Louis Robichaud; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Marco LeBlanc; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Tyler (Ty) Boulay; New Brunswick New Democratic Party;
Rachel Boudreau; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Kim Chamberlain; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
René Legacy; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Jeff Frenette; New Brunswick New Democratic Party;
Robert Kryszko; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Jason Purdy; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Luc Robichaud; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;


Name; Party;

Jean Paul Lanteigne; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Isabelle Thériault; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;


Name; Party;

François Robichaud; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Eric Mallet; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Wilfred Roussel; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Gertrude McLaughlin; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Keith Chiasson; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Serge Brideau; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Réjean Savoie; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Sam Johnston; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Wayne Hitchcock; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Michelle Conroy; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Veronique Arsenault; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Josh Shaddick; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;
Tom L'Huillier; People's Alliance of New Brunswick;


Name; Party;

Mike Dawson; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Mark Hambrook; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Genevieve MacRae; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;
Rhonda L'Huillier; People's Alliance of New Brunswick;
Richard Sutherland; Independent;


Name; Party;

Carl Cosby; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Kevin Arseneau; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;
Carole Boudreau; People's Alliance of New Brunswick;


Name; Party;

Ann Bastarache; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Benoît Bourque; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Eddy Richard; Libertarian Party of New Brunswick;
Bernadette Morin; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;
Lenny O'Brien; Consensus NB Party;


Name; Party;

René Ephestion; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Robert Gauvin; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Chantal Landry; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Christine Arsenault; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Jacques LeBlanc; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Jean Bourgeois; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Bruce Phinney; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
John Higham; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Donna Allen; Libertarian Party of New Brunswick;
Evelyne Godfrey; New Brunswick New Democratic Party;
Megan Mitton; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Dean Léonard; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Natacha Vautour; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Jacques Giguère; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Paolo (PJ) Andreetti; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Alexandre Cédric Doucet; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Diani Blanco; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Dave Melanson; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Rob McKee; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
James Ryan; New Brunswick New Democratic Party;
Sarah Colwell; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Greg Turner; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Claire Johnson; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Vincent Merola; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Ernie Steeves; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Tania Sodhi; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Ana Santana; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Ricky Gautreau; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Lyne Chantal Boudreau; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Adam Hennessey; Libertarian Party of New Brunswick;
Matthew Ian Clark; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Rob Weir; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Scott Grant; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Rebecca Mallaley; Libertarian Party of New Brunswick;
Desiree Despres; New Brunswick New Democratic Party;
Sarah Lord; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Sherry Wilson; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Dave Gouthro; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
William Jones; Libertarian Party of New Brunswick;
Liam MacDougall; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;
Sharon Buchanan; People's Alliance of New Brunswick;


Name; Party;

Don Monahan; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Connie Larson; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Anthony Matthews; Libertarian Party of New Brunswick;
Brian Boucher; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Tammy Scott-Wallace; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Bruce Northrup; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Wayne Wheeler; Libertarian Party of New Brunswick;
Teri McMackin; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Faytene Grasseschi; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
John Herron; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Barbara Dempsey; Libertarian Party of New Brunswick;
Gordie Stackhouse; New Brunswick New Democratic Party;
Laura Myers; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;
Peter Graham; People's Alliance of New Brunswick;


Name; Party;

Blaine Higgs; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Aaron Kennedy; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Alex White; New Brunswick New Democratic Party;
Andrew Conradi; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;
David Raymond Amos; Independent;


Name; Party;

Hugh J. (Ted) Flemming; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Alyson Townsend; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Austin Venedam; Libertarian Party of New Brunswick;
Zara MacKay-Boyce; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Glen Savoie; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
David Alston; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Denise Campbell; Libertarian Party of New Brunswick;
Josh Floyd; New Brunswick New Democratic Party;
Gerald Irish; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;
Tanya Graham; People's Alliance of New Brunswick;


Name; Party;

Paul Dempsey; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
John Dornan; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Bobby Martin (withdrew/désisté) ; New Brunswick New Democratic Party;
P.J. Duncan; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Adam Smith; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
David Hickey; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Shelley Craig; Libertarian Party of New Brunswick;
Kenneth Procter; New Brunswick New Democratic Party;
Mariah Darling; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Kim Costain; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Kate Elman Wilcott; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Sherie Vukelic; Libertarian Party of New Brunswick;
Jane Ryan; New Brunswick New Democratic Party;
Joanna Killen; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Bill Oliver; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Brian Stephenson; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Crystal Tays; Libertarian Party of New Brunswick;
Bruce Dryer; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Ian Lee; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Patty Borthwick; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Keith Tays; Libertarian Party of New Brunswick;
Chris Wanamaker; New Brunswick New Democratic Party;
Rhonda Connell; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;
Sharon Greenlaw; Consensus NB Party;


Name; Party;

Kathy Bockus; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Troy Lyons; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Krysten Mitchell; Libertarian Party of New Brunswick;
Bola Ademolu; New Brunswick New Democratic Party;
Mark Groleau; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;
Alex Tessmann; People's Alliance of New Brunswick;
Kris Booth; Independent;


Name; Party;

Mary E. Wilson; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Stephen Horsman; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Glenna Hanley; New Brunswick New Democratic Party;
Emerald Gibson; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Kris Austin; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Kevin Dignam; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Arthur Taylor; New Brunswick New Democratic Party;
Ken Washburn; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;
Rick DeSaulniers; People's Alliance of New Brunswick;


Name; Party;

Daniel Chippin; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Joni Leger; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
David Coon; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Nicolle Carlin; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Susan Holt; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Nicki Lyons-MacFarlane; New Brunswick New Democratic Party;
Simon Ouellette; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Jill Green; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Luke Randall; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Andrew Vandette; Libertarian Party of New Brunswick;
Matthew Stocek; New Brunswick New Democratic Party;
Anthea Plummer; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;
Glen Davis; People's Alliance of New Brunswick;


Name; Party;

Ryan Cullins; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Tanya Whitney; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Steven J. LaForest; New Brunswick New Democratic Party;
Pam Allen-LeBlanc; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;
Michael Broderick; People's Alliance of New Brunswick;


Name; Party;

Judy Wilson-Shee; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Cindy Miles; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Meryl W. Sarty; Libertarian Party of New Brunswick;
Joël Cyr LaPlante; New Brunswick New Democratic Party;
Susan Jonah; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;
Kris Hurtubise; People's Alliance of New Brunswick;


Name; Party;

Richard Ames; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Chris Duffie; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Burt Folkins; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;
Sterling Wright; People's Alliance of New Brunswick;


Name; Party;

Bill Hogan; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Marisa Pelkey; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Bo Sheaves; New Brunswick New Democratic Party;
Jada Roche; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;
Charlie Webber; People's Alliance of New Brunswick;
Ernest Culberson; Independent;


Name; Party;

Margaret Johnson; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Julian Moulton; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Rebecca Blaevoet; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;
Tasha Rossignol; Social Justice Party of New Brunswick;


Name; Party;

Chuck Chiasson; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Dani McLean-Godbout; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;


Name; Party;

Roger Quimper; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Jean Claude (JC) D'Amours; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
Sylvain Gerald Voisine; Social Justice Party of New Brunswick;


Name; Party;

Michel Morin; Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick;
Francine Landry; Liberal Party of New Brunswick;
André Martin; New Brunswick New Democratic Party;
Alain Martel; Parti Vert N.B. Green Party;
Richard Barahoga; Consensus NB Party;