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LA COMMISSION D'AMENAGEMENT BEAUBASSIN 1981. Etude sur le marais de l'aboiteau. Le Village de Cap-Pel'É, 18 p.  
LA FLECHE, M.R., CAMIRE, G., and JENNER, G.A. 1998. Geochemistry of post-Acadian, Carboniferous continental intraplate basalts from the Maritimes Basin, Magdalen Islands, Quebec, Canada. Chemical Geology, 148, p. 115–136.  * 
LAC MINERALS LIMITED 1991. Extension of the Mount Pleasant tin deposit, Charlotte County, New Brunswick (Part II). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Mineral Resources, Open File 91-5, 40 p.  * 
LAC MINERALS LIMITED 1991. Extension of the Mount Pleasant tin deposit, Charlotte County, New Brunswick (Part I). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Mineral Resources, Open File 91-4, 41 p.  * 
LADNER, E. 1979. In-the-hole drilling at Heath Steele Mines Limited CIM Bulletin, October 1979, p. 59–65.  * 
LAFONTAINE, J. 2007. The Devil Pike Brook Gold Deposit: an Example of an Orogenic Lode Gold Deposit in the Canadian Appalachians. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 386 p.  * 
LAFONTAINE, J., LENTZ, D.R., and THORNE, K.G. 2008. The Devil Pike Brook gold deposit, south-central New Brunswick, and its relationship to mafic intrusive rocks proximal to the Appalachian Gander-Avalon boundary. GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA Joint Annual Meeting, Quebec City, Quebec, May 26–28, 2008. Résumés-Abstracts, 33, p. 90–91.  * 
LAHTI, H. 2003. Testing of deep penetrating geochemical technology. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy; Minerals, Policy and Planning Division, Open File 2003-3, 106 p.  * 
LAHTI, H. MCCUTCHEONS, S.R., and PARKHILL, M.A. 2003. Reconnaissance and detailed QPX B-horizon soil and QPVK vegetation geochemistry in the Bathurst Mining Camp, Gloucester and Northumberland counties, New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources; Minerals, Policy and Planning Division, Open File 2003-8, 112 p.  * 
LAHTI, H.R. 1971. Factors contributing to secondary dispersion of trace elements in glacial soils, St. Stephen area, New Brunswick. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 200 p.  
LAHTI, H.R. 1974. Factors affecting the dispersion of Cu, Ni, Co and Mn in glacial soils overlying the St. Stephen ultramafic complex in New Brunswick. Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Bulletin 67, no. 746, p. 121–130.  * 
LAJOIE, J., LESPERANCE, P.J., and BELAND, J. 1968. Silurian stratigraphy and paleogeography of Matapédia-Témiscouata region, Québec. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 52, p. 615–639.  
LAJTAI, E.Z. and STRINGER, P. 1981. Joints, tensile strength and preferred fracture orientation in sandstones, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, Canada. Maritime Sediments and Atlantic Geology, 17, p. 70–87.  * 
LAKEFIELD RESEARCH 1989. An investigation of the recovery of antimony from samples submitted by Durham Resources Incorporated, Progress Report No. 1. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Open File 89-1, 83 p.  * 
LAKEFIELD RESEARCH 1989. An investigation of the recovery of antimony from samples submitted by Durham Resources Incorporated, Progress Report No. 2. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Open File 89-2, 34 p.  * 
LAKEFIELD RESEARCH 1996. A preliminary investigation of the recovery of zinc, indium and bismuth from Mount Pleasant ore samples. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Open File 96-7, 55 p.  * 
LALONDE, E. 2014. Alteration and Cu-Zn mineralization of the Turgeon Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposit (New Brunswick, Canada). Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Laval University, Quebec, Canada, 74 p.  * 
LALONDE, E. and BEAUDOIN, G. 2015. Petrochemistry, hydrothermal alteration, mineralogy, and sulfur isotope geochemistry of the Turgeon Cu-Zn volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit, northern New Brunswick, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 52, p. 215–234.  * 
LALVANI, M.K. 1965. The application of spherical agglomeration process to the upgrading of New Brunswick manganese ore. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 92 p.  
LAMARCHE, R. et DAIGLE, J.-Y. 1999. L'industrie de la tourbe au Nouveau–Brunswick: naissance développement et perspectives d'avenir. Institut canadien de recherche sur le développement régional. 88 p.  
LAMBE, L.M. 1909. Vertebrate Palaeontology (Albert shales fish fauna). Geological Survey of Canada, Summary Report 1908, p. 176–178.  
LAMBE, L.M. 1909. The fish fauna of the Albert shales of New Brunswick. American Journal of Science, 178, p. 165–174.  * 
LAMBE, L.M. 1910. Palaeoniscid fishes from the Albert shales of New Brunswick. Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 3, Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, III (quarto), Part 5, 69 p.  * 
LAMBERT, A. and VANICEK, P. 1979. Contemporary crustal movements in Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 16, p. 647–668.  * 
LAMING, D.J.C. and LAWSON, D.E. 1964. Paleocurrents and sedimentary facies in the Boss Point Formation, southern New Brunswick and northern Nova Scotia. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 47.  
LAMMERS, W. and DEHAAN, F.A. 1981. De holocene afzettingen in het gebied vande Tantramar en Aulac (The Holocene deposits in the area of the Tantramar and Aulac rivers). Doctoral Fieldwork, Free University of Amsterdam, 74 p.  
LAMONTAGNE, M. and BURKE, K.B.S. 2019. Felt reports for the 1855 magnitude 5.2 Moncton, New Brunswick, earthquake. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8532, 16 p.  * 
LAMOTHE, M. 1986. A progress report on the surficial geology and till geochemistry project, Miramichi Zone, New Brunswick. In Eleventh Annual Review of Activities, Project Résumés, S.A. Abbott (editor). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Mineral Resources Division, Information Circular 86-2, p. 119–120.  * 
LAMOTHE, M. 1986. Reconnaissance geochemical sampling of till, south-central Miramichi zone, New Brunswick. In Current Research, Part B. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 86-1B, p. 279–287.  * 
LAMOTHE, M. 1987. Drift prospecting over the Miramichi Zone: A summary of activities, 1985-1987. In Twelfth Annual Review of Activities, Project Résumés, S.A. Abbott (editor). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Information Circular 87-2, p. 130–131.  * 
LAMOTHE, M. 1988. Geochemistry of gold in till, northern and central Miramichi Zone and its vicinity, New Brunswick. In Thirteenth Annual Review of Activities, Project Résumés, S.A. Abbott (editor). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Information Circular 88-2, p. 148–150.  * 
LAMOTHE, M. 1988. Till geochemistry over the central part of the Miramichi Zone and vicinity (New Brunswick); a progress report. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1967, 80 p.  
LAMOTHE, M. 1988. Till geochemistry over the northern part of the Miramichi Zone and vicinity (New Brunswick); a progress report (parts of 21 O/8, 21 O/16, 21 P/5, 21 P/12, 21 P/13). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1909, 80 p.  
LAMOTHE, M. 1990. Overburden drilling program in the Saint John valley and the Baie des Chaleurs coastal area of northern New Brunswick: till geochemistry and borehole logs. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2149, 84 p.  
LAMOTHE, M. 1990. Till geochemistry over the northern Miramichi Zone and vicinity, New Brunswick. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2237, 106 p.  
LAMOTHE, M. 1990. Till Geochemistry Over the southern Miramichi Zone and Vicinity, New Brunswick. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2238, 62 p.  
LAMOTHE, M. 1990. Till geochemistry over the central Miramichi Zone and vicinity, New Brunswick. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2236, 88 p.  
LAMOTHE, M. 1990. Till geochemistry in the vicinity of the Late Devonian granites of the Hayesville area, central New Brunswick: a trenching project. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2217, 66 p.  
LAMOTHE, M. 1992. Pleistocene stratigraphy and till geochemistry of the Miramichi zone, New Brunswick. Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin, 433, 58 p.  
LANDING, E. 1979. Studies in Late Cambrian-Early Ordovician conodont biostratigraphy and paleoecology, northern Appalachian region. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 317 p.  
LANDING, E. 1980. Late Cambrian-Early Ordovician macrofaunas and phosphatic microfaunas, St. John Group, New Brunswick. Journal of Paleontology, 54, p. 752–761.  * 
LANDING, E. 1996. Reconsrtucting the Avalon continent: marginal to inner platformal transition in the Cambrian of southern New Brunswick. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 33, p. 1185–1192.  
LANDING, E. 1996. Reconstructing the Avalon continent: marginal to inner platform transition in the Cambrian of southern New Brunswick. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 33, p. 1185–1192.  * 
LANDING, E. 1996. Avalon: insular continent by the latest Precambrian. In Avalonian and Related Peri-Gondwanan Terranes of the Circum–North Atlantic, Nance, R.D. and Thompson, M.D. (editors). Geological Society of America, Special Paper 304, p. 29–63.  * 
LANDING, E. and MACGABHANN, B.A. 2010. First evidence for Cambrian glaciation provided by sections in Avalonian New Brunswick and Ireland: Additional data for Avalon-Gondwana separation by the earliest Palaeozoic. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 285, p. 174–185.  * 
LANDING, E. and MILLER, R.F. 1988. Bibliography of George F. Matthew. In Trace Fossils, Shelly Fossils and the Precambrian-Cambrian Boundary, E. Landing, G.M. Narbonne and P. Myrow (editors). New York State Museum, Proceedings, August 8–18, 1987, Bulletin 463, p. 77–80.  * 
LANDING, E. and WESTROP, S.R. 1995. Upper Lower Cambrian depositional sequence in Avalonian New Brunswick. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 33, p. 404–417.  * 
LANDING, E. and WESTROP, S.R. 1998. Avalon 1997-The Cambrian Standard. The international field conference of the Cambrian Chronostratigraphy Working Group. IGCP Project 366 (Ecological aspects of the Cambrian radiation). New York State Museum Bulletin 492, 92 p.  * 
LANDING, E., BOWRING, S.A., DAVIDEK, K.L., WESTROP, S.R., GEYER, G., and HELDMAIER, W. 1998. Duration of the Early Cambrian: U-Pb ages of volcanic ashes from Avalon and Gondwana. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 35, p. 329–338.  * 
LANDING, E., JOHNSON, S., and GEYER, G. 2008. Faunas and Cambrian Volcanism on the Avalonian Marginal Platform, southern New Brunswick. Journal of Paleontology, 82, no. 5, p. 884–905.  * 
LANDING, E., TAYLOR, M.E., and ERDTMANN, B.-D. 1978. Correlation of the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary between the Acado–Baltic and North American faunal provinces. Geology, 6, p. 75–78.  * 
LANDING, E., WESTROP, S.R., and KIM, D.H. 2003. First Middle Ordovician biota from southern New Brunswick: stratigraphic and tectonic implications for the evolution of the Avalon continent. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 40, p. 715–730.  * 
LANDVA, A.O. 1980. Erosion and instability of the peat cliff at Escuminac, N.B. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Muskeg Research Conference, National Research Council Canada, Associate Committee on Geotechnical Research, Technical Memorandum No. 127, p. 93–102.  
LANDVA, A.O. and PECK, K.W. 1980. Behaviour of roads and test fills on peat, Escuminac, N.B. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Muskeg Research Conference, National research Council Canada, Associate Committee on Geotechnical Research, Technical Memorandum No. 127, p. 52–91.  
LANDVA, A.O., PHEENEY, P.E., LA ROCHELLE, P., and BRIAUD, J.-L. 1986. Structures on peatlands-geotechnical investigations. In Proceedings-Advances in peatlands engineering, National Research Council of Canada, SSC cat. no. NR 15–27/1986, p. 31–52.  
LANDVA, A.O., VALSANGKAR, A.J., ALKINS, J.C., and CHARALAMBOUS, P.D. 1988. Performance of a raft foundation supporting a multistory structure. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 25: 138–149.  
LANG, A.H. 1961. A preliminary study of Canadian metallogenic provinces. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 60-33, p. 45–48 (for N.B. info only).  
LANGMAID, K.K. 1950. A study of the organic fraction of three New Brunswick soils. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 39 p.  
LANGMAID, K.K. 1954. The geology of New Brunswick soils. Maritime Soil Mechanics Conference, 1st, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Proceedings, Technical Memo 35, 1955, p. 4–5.  
LANGMAID, K.K. 1962. The extent and location of organic terrain in New Brunswick. Proceedings of the Atlantic Provinces Regional Seminars on Organic Terrain Problems, Ottawa, Ontario, October 15, 17 and 19, 1962. National Research Council, Technical Memo No. 77, p. 1–6.  
LANGMAID, K.K. 1968. Age of the Tantramar Marsh, New Brunswick. Canadian Journal of Soil Sciences, 48, p. 366–368.  
LANGMAID, K.K. and LOSIER, J.G. 1976. Soils of Lepreau Provincial Park. Canada Department of Agriculture and New Brunswick Department of Agriculture, 54 p.  
LANGMAID, K.K., MACMILLAN, J.K., and LOSIER, J.G. 1976. Soils of northern Victoria County, New Brunswick. Canada Department of Agriculture, Seventh Report of the New Brunswick Soil Survey, Catalogue A57-176/1976, 152 p.  
LANGMAID, K.K., MACMILLAN, J.K., and LOSIER, J.G. 1980. Soils of Madawaska County, New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Eighth Report of the New Brunswick Soil Survey. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada and New Brunswick Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, 185 p.  
LANGMAID, K.K., MACMILLAN, J.K., LOSIER, J.G., and MILLETTE, J.F.G. 1964. Description of sandy soils in cleared areas of coastal Kent and southern Northumberland counties, New Brunswick. Canada Department of Agriculture and New Brunswick Department of Agriculture, Sixth Report of the New Brunswick Soil Survey, 35 p.  
LANGTON, J. and VAN STAAL, C.R. 1988. The relationship between the Elmtree and Miramichi terranes. In Thirteenth Annual Review of Activities, Project Résumés, S.A. Abbott (editor). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Information Circular 88 2, p. 151.  * 
LANGTON, J.P. 1991. Brunswick Project, 21 P/5 (west half), New Brunswick. In Project Summaries for 1991, Sixteenth Annual Review of Activities. Edited by S.A. Abbott. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Mineral Resources, Information Circular 91-2, p. 77–86.  * 
LANGTON, J.P. 1993. Stratigraphy, structure, and geochemistry of the ophiolitic Elmtree Inlier, northern New Brunswick. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, 218 p.  * 
LANGTON, J.P. 1994. Tomogonops project, NTS 21 P/4 west, Gloucester County, New Brunswick. In Current Research 1993. Compiled and Edited by S.A.A. Merlini. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Miscellaneous Report 12, p. 87–93.  * 
LANGTON, J.P. 1995. Geology of the Big Sevogle River area (NTS 21 P/04c,d), Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick. In Geoscience Research 1994, Compiled and Edited by J.P. Langton. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Miscellaneous Report 15, p. 14–22.  * 
LANGTON, J.P. (compiler and editor) 1995. Geoscience Research 1994. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Miscellaneous Report 15, 111 p.  * 
LANGTON, J.P. (compiler) 1992. Massive sulphide deposits and geology in northern New Brunswick. Geological Association of Canada / Mineralogical Association of Canada, Joint Annual Meeting, Wolfville 92, May 28–30, 1992, Wolfville, N.S., Field Trip C–6: Guidebook, 53 p.  * 
LANGTON, J.P. and MCCUTCHEON, S.R. 1990. Brunswick project, Gloucester County, New Brunswick. In Project Summaries for 1990, Fifteenth Annual Review of Activities. Edited by S.A. Abbott. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Mineral Resources, Information Circular 90-2, p. 121–128.  * 
LANGTON, J.P. and MCCUTCHEON, S.R. 1993. Brunswick Project, NTS 21 P/05 West, 21 P/04 West Gloucester County New Brunswick, In Current Research. Edited by S.A. Abbott. New Brunswick Dept. of Natural Resources, Minerals, Policy and Planning division, Information Circular, 93-1, p. 31–51.  * 
LANGTON, J.P. and MCCUTCHEON, S.R. 1993. Brunswick Project, NTS 21 P/5 West, 21 P/4 West, Gloucester County, New Brunswick. In Current Research. Compiled and Edited by S.A. Abbott. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Mineral Resources, Information Circular 93-1, p. 31–51.  * 
LANGTON, J.P. and MCDONALD, S. 1995. Geology of the Big Sevogle River area (NTS 21 P/4c, d), Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick. In Current Research 1994. Compiled and Edited by S.A.A. Merlini. New Brunswick Department of Natural and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Miscellaneous Report 18, p. 59–80.  * 
LAPOINTE, D. 1982. Dispersion du Cu, Zn, Mo, F, W, Sn, Sb dans les sols du pluton de la Riviere Benjamin. Unpublished B.Sc. thesis, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario.  
LARRABEE, D.M. and SPENCER, C.W. 1963. Bedrock geology of the Danforth Quadrangle, Maine. United States Geological Survey, Map GQ-221 (with marginal notes).  
LARRABEE, D.M., SPENCER, C.W., and SWIFT, D.J.P. 1965. Bedrock geology of the Grand Lake area, Aroostook, Hancock, Penobscot and Washington counties, Maine. United States Geological Survey, Bulletin 1201-E, 38 p.  
LAUGHLIN, W.H. 1960. The Carboniferous volcanic rocks of New Brunswick. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 202 p.  * 
LAUGHLIN, W.H. 1981. Tin in Canada-potential for future production. Canada Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, MRI 81/3.  
LAUZIÈRE, K., CASTONGUAY, S., and LAVOIE, D. 2002. Appalachian foreland and St. Lawrence platform NATMAP project: 2002 research workshop abstract collection/Projet CARTNAT de l'avant-pays Appalachien et de la plate–forme du Saint–Laurent Atelier de recherche 2002, recueil des résumés. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4313, 27 p.  
LAVERGNE, C. and HUNTER, M. (GEOCON INCORPORATED). 1982. Granular aggregate resources of Riley Brook (21 O/3), Plaster Rock (21 J/14) and Tuadook Lake (21 J/15), New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Division, Open File 82-1, 93 p.  * 
LAVERGNE, C. and HUNTER, M. (GEOCON INCORPORATED). 1982. Granular aggregate resources of Newcastle (21 I/13), Doaktown (21 J/9) and McKendrick Lake (21 J/16), New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Division, Open File 82-3, 127 p.  * 
LAVOIE, D. 2005. Hydrothermal dolomitization in the Lower Silurian La Vieille Formation in northeastern New Brunswick: field evidence and implication for hydrocarbon exploration. Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2005-D1, 10 p.  * 
LAVOIE, D. and CHI, G. 2006. Hydrothermal dolomitization in the Lower Silurian La Vieille Formation in northern New Brunswick: geological content and significance for hydrocarbon exploration. Canadian Petroleum Geology, Bulletin 54, no. 4, p. 380–395.  * 
LAVOIE, D., BOURQUE, P-A., and HÉROUX, Y. 1992. Early Silurian carbonate platforms in the Appalachian orogenic belt: the Sayabec-La Vieille formations of the Gaspé–Matapédia Basin, Québec. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 29, p. 704–719.  * 
LAVOIE, D., PINET, N., DIETRICH, J., HANNIGAN, P., CASTONGUAY, S., HAMBLIN, A.P., and GILES, P. 2009. Petroleum resources assessment, Paleozoic successions of the st. Lawrence Platform and Appalachians of eastern Canada. Open File 6174, 273 p.  
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LEAVITT, E.M. 1963. The geology of the Precambrian Green Head Group in the Saint John, New Brunswick area. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 146 p.  
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LEBLANC, S.L. 1991. Petrochemistry and tectonic setting of volcanic rocks and the associated dykes in the Antinouri Lake Brook area, northern New Brunswick. Unpublished B.Sc. thesis, Acadia University, Wolfville, N.S.  
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