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KAIMAN, S., HARRIS, D.C., and DUTRIZAC, J.E. 1980. Stibivanite, a new mineral from the Lake George antimony deposit, New Brunswick. The Canadian Mineralogist, 18, Part 3, p. 329–337.  * 
KAIN, S.W. 1895. Bibliography of scientific publications relating to the province of New Brunswick. Natural History Society of New Brunswick, Bulletin 13, p. 96–100. 1896. 14, p. 56–57. 1897. 15, p. 83. 1898. 16, p. 75–76.  
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KALKREUTH, W. and MACAULEY, G. 1984. The organic petrology of selected oil shale samples from the Lower Carboniferous Albert Formation, New Brunswick, Canada. Canadian Petroleum Geology, Bulletin 32, p. 38–51.  * 
KALKREUTH, W.D., MARCHIONI, D.L., CALDER, J.H., LAMBERSON, M.N., NAYLOR, R.D., and PAUL, J. 1991. The relationship between coal petrography and depositional environments from selected coal basins in Canada. In W. Kalkreuth, R.M. Bustin, and A.R. Cameron (editors), Recent Advances in Organic Petrology and Geochemistry: a Symposium Honoring Dr. P. Hacquebard,. International Journal of Coal Geology, 19, p. 21–76.  * 
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KATSUBE, T.J., CONNELL, S., GOODFELLOW, W.D., and SCROMEDA, N. 1998. Eelctrical characteristics of nonmateralized rocks from the Bathurst mining camp, New Brunswick. Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 1998-E, p. 125–137.  
KATSUBE, T.J., CONNELL, S., SCROMEDA, N., GOODFELLOW, W.D., and BEST, M.E. 1998. Electrical characteristics of mineralized and nonmineralized rocks at the Caribou deposit, Bathurst mining camp, New Brunswick. Eastern Canada and national and general programs, Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 1998-D, p. 25–35.  
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KEEN, C.E., KAY, W.A., KEPPIE, D., MARILLIER, F., PE-PIPER, G., and WALDRON, J.W.F. 1991. Deep seismic reflection data from the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine: tectonic implications for the northern Appalachians. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 28, p. 1096–1111.  * 
KEEN, C.E., KEEN, M.J., NICHOLS, B., REID, I., STOCKMAL, G.S., COLMAN-SADD, S.P., O'BRIEN, S.J., MILLER, H., QUINLAN, G., WILLIAMS, H., and WRIGHT, J. 1986. Deep seismic reflection profile across the northern Appalachians. Geology, 14, p. 141–145.  
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KEIGHLEY, D., CALDER, J., PARK, A., PICKERILL, R. and WALDRON, J. 2008. Discussion on ecology of earliest reptiles inferred from basal Pennsylvanian trackways. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 165, p. 983–987.  * 
KEIGHLEY, D.G. 2000. A preliminary sequence stratigraphy of the Horton Group, southeastern New Brunswick: interpretation of the Dawson Settlement Member of the Carboniferous Albert Formation, Shell Albert Mines #4 well. In Current Research, 1999. Edited by B.M.W. Carroll. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Mineral Resource Report 2000-4, p. 17–29.  * 
KEIGHLEY, D.G. and PICKERILL, R.K. 1994. The ichnogenus beaconites and its distinction from ancorichnus and taenidium. Palaeontology, 37, Part 2, p. 305–337.  * 
KEITH, E.A. (editor) 2014. Abstracts 2014: Exploration, Mining and Petroleum New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Energy and Mines. Geoscience Report 2014-4, 37 p.  * 
KEITH, E.A. (editor) 2015. Abstracts 2015: Exploration, Mining and Petroleum New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Energy and Mines. Geoscience Report 2015-4, 28 p.  * 
KEITH, E.A. (editor) 2016. Abstracts 2016: Exploration, Mining and Petroleum New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Energy and Resource Development. Geoscience Report 2016-3, 27 p.  * 
KEITH, E.A. (editor) 2017. Abstracts 2017: Exploration, Mining and Petroleum New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Energy and Resource Development. Geoscience Report 2017-7, 22 p.  * 
KEITH, E.A. (editor) 2018. Abstracts 2018: Exploration, Mining and Petroleum New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Energy and Resource Development. Geoscience Report 2018-1, 25 p.  * 
KEITH, E.A. (rédactrice) 2014. Résumés 2014 : Exploration et exploitation minière et pétrolière au Nouveau-Brunswick. Ministère de l’Énergie et des Mines du Nouveau-Brunswick. Rapport géoscientifique 2014-5, 38 p.  * 
KEITH, E.A. (rédactrice) 2015. Résumés 2015 : Exploration et exploitation minière et pétrolière au Nouveau-Brunswick. Ministère de l’Énergie et des Mines du Nouveau-Brunswick. Rapport géoscientifique 2015-5, 28 p.  * 
KEITH, E.A. (rédactrice) 2016. Résumés 2016 : Exploration et exploitation minière et pétrolière au Nouveau-Brunswick. Ministère du Développement de l’énergie et des ressources du Nouveau-Brunswick. Rapport géoscientifique 2016-4, 27 p.  * 
KEITH, E.A. (rédactrice) 2017. Résumés 2017 : Exploration et exploitation minière et pétrolière au Nouveau-Brunswick. Ministère du Développement de l’énergie et des ressources du Nouveau-Brunswick. Rapport géoscientifique 2017-6, 22 p.  * 
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KELLETT, D.A., VAN STAAL, C., WILSON, R.A., and ROGERS, N. 2017. The age of Salinic deformation constrained by 40Ar/39Ar dating of multiple cleavage domains: Bathurst Supergroup, New Brunswick Appalachians. American Journal of Science, vol. 317, p 338–368.  * 
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KENNEDY, K.L., GIBLING, M.R., EBLE, C.F., GASTALDOD, R.A., GENSEL, P.A., WERNER-ZWANZIGER, U., and WILSON, R.A. 2013. Lower Devonian coaly shales of northern New Brunswick, Canada: plant accumulations in the early stages of terrestrial colonization. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 83, p. 1201–1215.  * 
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KEPPIE, J.D., CURRIE, K., MURPHY, J.B., PICKERILL, R.K., FYFFE, L.R., and ST.-JULIEN, P. 1985. Appalachian geotraverse (Canadian Mainland). In Fredericton 85, Field Excursions, R.K. Pickerill, C.K. Mawer, and L.R. Fyffe (editors). Geological Association of Canada / Mineralogical Association of Canada, Excursion 1, 181 p.  
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KEYS, D. 1982. Summary of the techniques used in the inventory of the peatlands of New Brunswick, Canada. In A Peatland Inventory Methodology Workshop, Ottawa, Ontario, March 9–10, 1982, S.M. Morgan and F.C. Pollett (editors). Agriculture Canada, LRRI, Proceedings, p. 75–87.  * 
KEYS, D. 1983. Effect of peat type and decomposition on the calorific value of some New Brunswick peats. In Testing of Peats and Organic Soils, ASTM STP 820, P.M. Jarrett (editor). American Society for Testing and Materials, p. 111–121.  * 
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KEYS, D. and GEMMELL, D.E. 1982. New Brunswick peat resources and their utilization. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Development Branch, 19 p.  * 
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KEYS, D. and HENDERSON, R.E. 1987. An investigation of the peat resources of New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Open File 83-10, 228 p.  * 
KEYS, D. and SEEGLITZ, W. 1981. An investigation of the relationship between the calorific value and decomposition of some New Brunswick peats. University of New Brunswick, Department of Biology, 15 p.  
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KEYS, D., GEMMELL, D.E., and HENDERSON, R.E. 1982. New Brunswick peat-resources, management and development potential. The Canadian National Committee-International Peat Society, Symposiums. A Symposium on Peat and Peatlands, p. 222–236.  * 
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KIM, D.H., WESTROP, S.R., and LANDING, E. 2002. Acadian (Middle Cambrian) conocoryphid and trilobites from the upper Chamberlain's Brook Formation, Newfoundland and New Brunswick. Journal of Paleontology, no. 76, p. 818–838.  
KIM, J.Y., PICKERILL, R.K., and WILSON, R.A. 2000. Palaeophycus bolbitermilus isp. nov. from the Lower Silurian Upsalquitch Formation of New Brunswick, eastern Canada. Atlantic Geology, 36, p. 131–137.  *