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G.L. MARTIN and ASSOCIATES 1995. Geosciences in New Brunswick schools: Development proposals for resource materials and activities. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Open File 95-12, 53 p.  * 
G.L. MARTIN and ASSOCIATES 1995. Les sciences de la terre dans les écoles du Nouveau–Brunswick : Propositions d'élaboration de matériel documentaire et d'activités connexes. Le Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de l'Énergie du Nouveau–Brunswick, Division des ressources minières et de l'Énergie, Dossier public 95-13, 63 p.  
GADD, N.R. 1968. Survey of sand and gravel deposits, Exclusive of modern marine beaches, in the vicinity of Moncton, New Brunswick. Geological Survey of Canada, Report to the New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch, 6 p.  
GADD, N.R. 1968. St. George map area, New Brunswick. In Report of Activities May-Oct., 1967. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 68-1A, Part A, p. 161.  
GADD, N.R. 1969. St. Stephen, New Brunswick. In Report of Activities Part A, April-Oct., 1968. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 69-1A, p. 195–196.  
GADD, N.R. 1970. Quaternary geology, southwest New Brunswick (21 G). In Report of Activities Part A, April-Oct., 1970. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 70-1A,p. 170–172.  
GADD, N.R. 1973. Quaternary geology of southwest New Brunswick with particular reference to Fredericton area. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 71-34, 31 p.  
GADD, N.R. 1981. Glacial geology of Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick: discussion. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 18, p. 176. 1980. Legget, R.F. Original Article. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 17, p. 440–452. 1981. Legget, R.F. Reply. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 18, p. 177.  * 
GADD, N.R. 1982. Comment on Late Wisconsinan glaciation models of northern Maine and adjacent Canada. Quaternary Research, 17, p. 410–412. 1982. Genes, A.N. Reply to comment by N.R. Gadd on Late Wisconsinan glaciation models of northern Maine and adjacent Canada. Quaternary Research, 17, p. 413 414. 1981. Genes, A.N., Newman, W.A., and Brewer, T.B. Original Article. Quaternary Research, 16, p. 48–65.  
GAGNE, R.M. 1969. A hammer seismic survey, Pennfield area, New Brunswick, 21 G/2. In Report of Activities Part Part C.Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 76-1C, p. 289–292.  
GAGNE, R.M. 1980. Shallow refraction seismic survey, Bald Mountain, New Brunswick area. Geological Survey of Canada, Internal Report (unpublished), 12 p.  * 
GAGNON, L. 1987. Till lithology and geochemistry in the Elmtree gold district, northern New Brunswick. Unpublished B.Sc. thesis, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, 76 p.  
GALLAGHER, D. 1999. Heath Steele: The story of a base-metal mine in northern New Brunswick and the people who worked there since the discovery in 1953 Noranda Incorporated, 67 p.  * 
GALLAGHER, M.J. 1984. Methods of exploration for strata-bound mineral deposits in the Appalachian–Caledonian orogen. Economic Geology, 79, p. 1749–1758.  * 
GALLEY, A.G., HANNINGTON, M.D., and JONASSON, I.R. 2007. Volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits. In Mineral Deposits of Canada: A Synthesis of Major Deposit Types, District Metallongeny, the Evolution of Geological Porovinces and Exploration Methods. Edited by W.D. Goodfellow. Geological Association of Canada, Mineral Deposits Division, Special Publication, no. 5, p. 141–161.  * 
GALLOWAY, G. 1977. The other mine. The Moncton Times, November, 1977, 6 p.  * 
GAMBA, C.A., 1990. Sedimentology and tectonic implications of the Pointe la Nim and Campbellton Formations, western Chaleur Bay, Maritime Canada. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, University of Ottawa, Ottawa–Carleton Geoscience Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, 249 p.  
GANDHI, S.M. 1977. Exploration rock geochemical studies in and around the Caribou sulphide deposit, New Brunswick, Canada. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 316 p.  
GANONG, W.F 1896. Notes on the natural history and physiography of New Brunswick. Natural History Society of New Brunswick, Bulletin 14, p. 40–52. 1898. 16, p. 44–63. 1899. 17, p. 122–135. 1899. 18, p. 227–257. 1901. 19, p. 313–340. 1902. 20, p.  
GANONG, W.F. 1891. On raised peat-bogs in New Brunswick. Botanical Gazette, 16, p. 123–126.  
GANONG, W.F. 1896. The outlet delta of Lake Utopia, New Brunswick. Natural History Society of New Brunswick, Bulletin 14, p. 43–47.  
GANONG, W.F. 1897. Upon raised peat bogs in the Province of New Brunswick. Royal Society of Canada, Transactions, 33, Section 4, 3, p. 131–163.  
GANONG, W.F. 1897. On the heights of New Brunswick hills. St. John Daily Sun, May 10, 1897.  
GANONG, W.F. 1902. The origin of the New Brunswick peneplains. Natural History Society of New Brunswick, Bulletin 4.  
GANONG, W.F. 1904. Upon aboriginal pictographs report from New Brunswick. Natural History Society of New Brunswick, Bulletin 5, Part 2, no. 20, p. 175–178.  
GANONG, W.F. 1904. The origin of the Fundian system of rivers. Natural History Society of New Brunswick, 5, no. 22, p. 202–211.  
GANONG, W.F. 1904. The walrus in New Brunswick. Natural History Society of New Brunswick, Bulletin 22, p. 240–241.  * 
GANONG, W.F. 1906. On semi-fossil walrus bones from Miscou and elsewhere in New Brunswick. Natural History Society of New Brunswick, Bulletin 24, p. 462–464.  * 
GANONG, W.F. 1906. On the physical geography of Miscou. Natural History Society of New Brunswick, Bulletin 5, no. 24, p. 447–464.  
GANONG, W.F. 1906. The Nascent forest of the Miscou beach plain. Botanical Gazette, 42, p. 81–106.  
GANONG, W.F. 1908. The physical geography of the north shore sand islands. Natural History Society of New Brunswick, Bulletin 6, no. 26, p. 22–29.  
GANONG, W.F. 1908. Further data upon the rate of recession of the coastline of New Brunswick. Natural History Society of New Brunswick, Bulletin 6, no. 31, p. 216–218.  
GANONG, W.F. 1922. Physiography of New Brunswick. Unpublished Manuscript, in Deposit at the New Brunswick Museum Since 1942, Saint John, N.B.  
GANONG, W.F. 1970. Physical landscape of New Brunswick. J.A. Rayburn (editor). New Brunswick Museum, Saint John, 254 p.  
GARCELON, E.A., LENTZ, D.R., and WALKER, J.A. 2016. Portable X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy applied to volcanic rocks hosting VMS deposits of the California Lake Group, Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Energy and Resource Development, Geological Surveys Branch, Geoscience Report 2016-5 (Online), 25 p.  * 
GARCELON, E.A., LENTZ, D.R., and WALKER, J.A. 2018. California Lake Group Massive Sulfide Chemistry. New Brunswick Department of Energy and Resource Development, Geological Surveys Branch, Open File 2018-1, 6 p.  * 
GARDINER, W.W. 1987. Saint George Batholith project (west). In Twelfth Annual Review of Activities, Project Résumés, S.A. Abbott (editor). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Information Circular 87-2, p. 37–40.  * 
GARDINER, W.W. 1989. The Burnthill granites and related tungsten-molybdenum and tin deposits. In Mineral Deposits Associated with Siluro-Devonian Plutonism in the New Brunswick–Gaspé Sector: Field Guidebook B5, E.L. Procyshyn, W.D. Sinclair, A.E. Williams Jones. Geological Association of Canada / Mineralogical Association of Canada, Meeting, Montréal, Québec, p. 51–62.  * 
GARDINER, W.W. 1990. Preliminary investigation of coticule occurrences in New Brunswick: their use in exploration for massive sulphide, tungsten and gold deposits. In Project Summaries for 1990, Fifteenth Annual Review of Activities. Edited by S.A. Abbott. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Mineral Resources, Information Circular 90-2, p. 62–68.  * 
GARDINER, W.W. 1990. Antinouri-Nicholas mineral occurrence study, Gloucester and Restigouche counties, New Brunswick. In Project Summaries for 1990, Fifteenth Annual Review of Activities. Edited by S.A. Abbott. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Mineral Resources, Information Circular 90-2, p. 118–120.  * 
GARDINER, W.W. 1991. Antinouri-Nicholas mineral occurrence project, New Brunswick. In Project Summaries for 1991, Sixteenth Annual Review of Activities. Edited by S.A. Abbott. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Mineral Resources, Information Circular 91-2, p. 109–112.  * 
GARDINER, W.W. 1991. The Burnthill granites and related tungsten-molybdenum and tin deposits. In Mineral Deposits of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia [Field Trip 2]; 8th International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits (IAGOD) Symposium. Edited by D.R. Boyle, Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2157, p. 43–57.  * 
GARDINER, W.W. 1993. Antinouri Lake-Nicholas Denys mineral occurrence project, Gloucester and Restigouche counties, New Brunswick. In Current Research. Compiled and Edited by S.A. Abbott. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Mineral Resources, Information Circular 93-1, p. 87–88.  * 
GARDINER, W.W. 2003. Compilation of historical data on geology, mineral exploration and mining in New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Minerals, Policy and Planning Division, Open File 2003-17, 2126 p  * 
GARDINER, W.W. and GARNETT, K. 1986. A field investigation of granites in the Dungarvon area of New Brunswick. In Eleventh Annual Review of Activities, Project Résumés, S.A. Abbott (editor). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Mineral Resources Division, Information Circular 86-2, p. 57–60.  * 
GARDINER, W.W. and VENUGOPAL, D.V. 1992. Spessartine-quartz rock (coticule) occurrences in New Brunswick, Canada and their use in exploration for massive sulphide, tin–tungsten and gold deposits. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 101, Section B: Applied Earth Science, p. B147–B157.  * 
GARDNER PINFOLD CONSULTING ECONOMISTS LIMITED 1997. New Brunswick regional salt study. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Open File 97-16, 81 p.  * 
GARIEPY, C. and DAVID, J. 1988. Lithogeochemistry of the Lower Tetagouche Group in the Woodstock area, central New Brunswick. In Thirteenth Annual Review of Activities, Project Résumés, S.A. Abbott (editor). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Information Circular 88 2, p. 145 146.  * 
GARLAND, G.D. 1951. The relationship between gravity and magnetic anomalies, as illustrated by observations made in the Maritime Provinces and Ontario, Canada. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.  
GARLAND, G.D. 1953. Gravity measurements in the Maritime Provinces. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa, Dominion Observer, 16, p. 185–275.  
GARNETT, J.A. 1969. Distribution of uranium in soils. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick.  
GARNETT, J.A. 1973. Structural analysis of part of the Lubec-Belleisle fault zone, southwestern New Brunswick. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 202 p.  
GARNETT, J.A. 1976. On the position of the Variscan Front in southern New Brunswick and its relation to Precambrian basement: discussion. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 13, p. 1343–1345. 1976. Rast, N. and Currie, K.L. Original Article. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 13, p. 194–196. 1976. Rast, N. and Currie, K.L. Reply. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 13, p. 1345–1346.  * 
GARNETT, J.A. and BROWN, R.L. 1973. Fabric variation in the Lubec-Belleisle zone of southern New Brunswick. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 10, p. 1591–1599.  * 
GARRETT, C. 1974. Normal modes of the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 11, p. 549–556.  * 
GASKILL, O.D. 1999. Petrology of the St. Stephen Pluton and Associated Sulphide Deposits, Southern New Brunswick. Unpublished B.Sc. thesis, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia 88 p.  
GASTALDO, R.A., GENSEL, P.G., GLASSPOOL, I.J., HINDS, S.J., KING, O.A., MCLEAN, D., PARK, A.F., STIMSON, M.R., and STONESIFER, T. 2024. Enigmatic fossil plants with three-dimensional, arborescent-growth architecture from the earliest Carboniferous of New Brunswick, Canada. Current Biology, 24, 16 p.  * 
GATES, O. 1961. The geology of the Cutler and Moose River quadrangles, Washington County, Maine. Maine Geological Survey, Quadrangle Mapping Series No. 1, 67 p.  
GATES, O. 1969. Lower Silurian-Lower Devonian volcanic rocks of New England coast and southern New Brunswick. In North Atlantic-Geology and Continental Drift: A Symposium. Edited by M. Kay. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 12, p. 484–503.  * 
GATES, O. 1975. Geological map and cross sections of the Eastport Quadrangle, Maine. Maine Geological Survey, Geological Map series GM-3.  
GATES, O. 1977. The Silurian-Lower Devonian volcanic rocks of the Machias-Eastport area, Maine. Guidebook for Field Trips 1 and 2, Geological Society of Maine, 7 p.  * 
GATES, O. 1977. Notes to accompany Geological Map Series GM-3, Washington County, Maine. Maine Geological Survey, 19 p.  
GATES, O. 1978. Silurian-Lower Devonian marine volcanic rocks of the Eastport Quadrangle, Maine. In Guidebook for Field Trips in Southeastern Maine and Southwestern New Brunswick. Edited by A. Ludman. 70th Annual Meeting New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, p. 1–16.  * 
GATES, O. 1982. Preliminary bedrock and brittle fracture map of the Eastport 2? Sheet, Maine. Maine Geological Survey, Open File 82-29.  
GATES, O. 1984. The geology of the Passamaquoddy Bay area, Maine and New Brunswick. Maine Geological Survey, OF 84-10.  * 
GATES, O. 1989. The geology and geophysics of the Passamaquoddy Bay area, Maine and New Brunswick and their bearing on local subsidence. In Neotectonics of Maine, Studies in Seismicity, Crustal Warping and Sea Level Change, W.A. ANDERSON and H.W. Burns (editors). Maine Geological Survey, Bulletin 40, p. 11–24.  * 
GATES, O. 1989. Silurian roundstone conglomerates of coastal Maine and adjacent New Brunswick. In Studies in Maine Geology, R.D. Tucker and R.G. Marvinney (editors). Maine Geological Survey, Volume 2: Structure and Stratigraphy, p. 127–144.  * 
GATES, O. and MOENCH, R.H. 1981. Bimodal Silurian and Lower Devonian volcanic rock assemblages in the Machias-Eastport area, Maine. U.S. Department of the Interior, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., Geological Survey Professional Paper 1184, 32 p.  * 
GATES, W.G. 1972. Heath Steele Mines. International Geological Congress XXIV, Field Guide A-58, p. 68–72.  
GATES, W.G., ARCHIBALD, D.E., AND DEVEAUX, J.L. 1980. Heath Steele Geology: Fine grained ore calls for proper grade control. The Northern Miner, November 27, 1980.  * 
GAUTHIER, R.C. 1978. Quelques interprétations de l'inventaire des dépôts de surface, péninsule nord est du Nouveau–Brunswick. In Current Research, Part A. Edited by R.G. Blackadar, P.J. Griffin, H. Dumych, and E.J.W. Irish. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 78-1A, p. 409–412.  
GAUTHIER, R.C. 1978. Quelques interprétations de l'inventaire des dépôts de surface, péninsule nord‑est du Nouveau‑Brunswick. In Report of Activities, Part A. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 78‑1A, p. 409–412.  * 
GAUTHIER, R.C. 1979. Aspects of the glacial history of the north-central highlands of New Brunswick. In Current Research, Part B. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 79-1B, p. 371–377.  * 
GAUTHIER, R.C. 1980. Existence of a central New Brunswick ice cap based on evidence of northwestward-moving ice in the Edmundston area, New Brunswick. In Current Research, Part A. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 80-1A, p. 377–378.  * 
GAUTHIER, R.C. 1980. Decomposed granite, Big Bald Mountain area, New Brunswick. In Current Research, Part B. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 80-1B, p. 277–282.  
GAUTHIER, R.C. 1982. Surficial deposits, northern New Brunswick. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 856, 9 maps.  
GAUTHIER, R.C. 1983. Surficial materials of northern New Brunswick. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 963, 67 p.  
GAUTHIER, R.C. and CORMIER, V. 1977. Cartographie des dépôts superficiels, péninsule nord est du Nouveau–Brunswick. Dans Report of Activities, Part A. Commission géologique du Canada, Étude 77-1A, p. 371–378.  
GAUTHIER, R.C. and THIBAULT, J. 1980. Deglaciation of the Edmundston area and reappraisal of Glacial Lake Madawaska interpretation. In A Guidebook to the Geology of Northeastern Maine and Neighbouring New Brunswick, D.C. Roy and R.S. Naylor (editors). 72nd Annual Meeting of the New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, p. 188–190.  * 
GAUTREAU-DAIGLE, H. 1990. Evaluation of ecological constraints on peat mining in New Brunswick. I. Waterfowl population survey. II. Moose population survey. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Open File 90-6, 71 p.  * 
GELDSETZER, H.H.J. 1976. Metallic mineralization of Carboniferous to Triassic strata in the Appalachian Region. In Report of Activities, Part A. Geological Survey of Canada, p. 177.  
GELDSETZER, H.H.J. 1977. Preliminary geological interpretation of wellwater uranium anomalies, Carboniferous Basin, Maritime Provinces. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 474, 16 p.  
GELDSETZER, H.H.J. 1978. The Windsor Group in Atlantic Canada-an update. In Current Research, Part C. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 78-1C, p. 43–48.  * 
GEMMELL, D.E. 1975. Carboniferous volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Mount Pleasant caldera and Hoyt appendage, New Brunswick. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 110 p.  
GEMMELL, D.E. 1989. Peat quality control and the utilization of the NB logo. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Open File 89-33, p. 91–112.  * 
GEMMELL, D.E. 1992. Preparing an environmental assessment study before opening a new bog. In Peatland Reclamation Workshop, Fredericton. Peat Research and Development Centre Incorporated. p. 37–42.  
GEMMELL, D.E. and KEYS, D. 1979. Evaluation of the New Brunswick peat resource. Proceedings of Canadian Peat Symposium, August 1979, Fredericton, New Brunswick. Canadian National Committee, International Peat Society, Paper # 1, 16 p.  * 
GEMTEC LIMITED 1989. Bedrock aggregate resource potential of selected map areas in New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Minerals Division, Reference 174, 145 p.  * 
GEMTEC LIMITED 1991. Peatland hydrology, Bog 569, Pigeon Hill, New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Mineral Resources, Open File 91-10, 91 p.  * 
GEMTEC LIMITED 1993. Design, installation and monitoring of siltation ponds, Peat Bog 567, Lamèque Island, New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Mineral Resources, Open File 93-4, 87 p.  * 
GEMTEC LIMITED 1994. Peatland runoff study, Bog No. 16, Acadieville, New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Open File 94-10, 89 p.  * 
GENES, A.N. 1980. Outline of the Pleistocene geology of northern Maine and adjacent Canada. In A Guidebook to the Geology of Northeastern Maine and Neighbouring New Brunswick, D.C. Roy and R.S. Naylor (editors). 72nd Annual Meeting of the New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, p. 22–31.  * 
GENES, A.N. 1982. Reply to comment by N.R. Gadd on Late Wisconsinan glaciation models of northern Maine and adjacent Canada. Quaternary Research, 17, p. 413–414. 1982. Gadd, N.R. 1982. Comment. Quaternary Research, 17, p. 410–412. 1981. Genes, A.N., Newman, W.A., and Brewer, T.B. Original Article. Quaternary Research, 16, p. 48–65.  
GENES, A.N., NEWMAN, W.A., and BREWER, T.B. 1981. Late Wisconsinan glaciation models of northern Maine and Adjacent Canada. Quaternary Research, 16, p. 48–65. (see Genes, A.N. 1982)  
GENSEL, P.G. 1982. Oricilla, A New Genus Referable to the Zosterophyllophytes from the Late Early Devonian of Northern New Brunswick. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 37, Issues 3-4, p. 345–359.  * 
GENSEL, P.G. 1982. On the contributions of Sir J.W. Dawson to the study of early land plants (Devonian) and curent ideas concerning their nature, diversity and evolutionary relationships. Third North American Palaeontological Convention Proceedings, 1, p. 199–204.  
GENSEL, P.G. 1982. A New Species of Zosterophyllum from the Early Devonian of New Brunswick. American Journal of Botany, Volume 69, no. 5, p. 651–669.  * 
GENSEL, P.G., CHALONER, W.G., and FORBES, W.H. 1991. Spongiophyton from the Late Lower Devonian of New Brunswick and Québec, Canada. Palaeontology, 34, p. 149–168.  * 
GENSEL, P.G., CLOUTIER, R., and MCCUTCHEON, S. 1997. Devonian Plants and Fishes of the Gaspé Peninsula, Québec and Northern New Brunswick. AIBS Field Trip 22: August 6–11, 1997. Department of Biology, University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill. 23 p.  
GEODAT INFORMATION SERVICES LIMITED, 1989. Lineament definition from digital LANDSAT MSS imagery of the Hayesville and Tuadook Lake NTS sheets: Summary and documentation of work performed. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Minerals Division, Reference 151, 31 p.  * 
GEODAT INFORMATION SERVICES LIMITED, 1989. Monitoring of peat bog mining operations in northeastern New Brunswick using SPOT satellite digital imagery. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Internal Report, 19 p.