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BAAR, C.A. 1966. Bromine investigations on eastern Canada salt deposits. 2nd Symposium on Salt, 1 (Geology, Geochemistry, Mining): Cleveland, Ohio. Northern Ohio Geological Society, p. 276–292.  
BABCOCK CONTRACTORS LIMITED 1996. Pilot plant project for recovery of zinc, lead and copper from lead-zinc bulk concentrate for NovaGold Resources Incorporated–Volume I. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Open File 96-8, 528 p.  * 
BABCOCK CONTRACTORS LIMITED 1996. Pilot plant project for recovery of zinc, lead and copper from lead-zinc bulk concentrate for NovaGold Resources Incorporated–Volume II. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Open File 96-9, 101 p.  * 
BACHINSKI, D. 1964. Skarn deposits in the Rocky Brook-Millstream area. Geological Survey of Canada, Summary of Activities, Field 1963, Paper 64-1, p. 62.  
BACHINSKI, D.J. 1963. The petrology, mineralogy and structure of the Captain deposit, New Brunswick. Unpublished B.Sc. thesis, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario.  
BACHINSKI, D.J. 1965. Geology, geochemistry and genesis of selected skarn deposits, northern New Brunswick. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, University of Missouri, Rolla, Missouri.  
BACHINSKI, S.W. and SCOTT, R.B. 1979. Rare-earth and other trace element contents and the origin of minettes (mica–lamprophyres). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 43, p. 93–100. 1980. Reply. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 44, p. 1389–1392.  * 
BAGG, R.M. 1920. The foraminifera of the Bonaventure cherts of Gaspé. New York State Museum, Bulletin 219-220, p. 149–204.  
BAILEY, H.B. 1930. Hydration factors in gypsum deposits of the Maritime Provinces of Canada. American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Technical Publication 308, Transactions 1931, p. 177–186.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1864. Notes on the geology and botany of New Brunswick. Canadian Naturalist, 1, p. 81–97.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1864. Report on the mines and minerals of New Brunswick, with an account of the present mining operations in the Province. Queens Printer, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 73 p.  * 
BAILEY, L.W. 1865. Observations on the geology of southern New Brunswick (with a geological map). Canadian Naturalist New Series, 2, p. 232–239; 314–318.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1865. Observations on the geology of southern New Brunswick. Queens Printer, Fredericton, 158 p.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1871. On the physiography and geology of the Island of Grand Manan (Bay of Fundy). Canadian Naturalist New Series, 6, p. 43–54.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1876. The useful minerals of New Brunswick. In The Woods and Minerals of New Brunswick, L.W. Bailey and E. Jack (editors), Fredericton, New Brunswick, p. 41–51.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1879. Report on the pre-Silurian (Huronian) and Cambrian, or Primordial Silurian rocks of southern New Brunswick. Geological Survey of Canada, Report of Progress 187–78, Part 8, 33 p.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1881. On the progress of geological investigations in New Brunswick 1870–1880. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Proceedings, 29th Meeting, 1880, p. 415–521.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1883. On the physical and geological history of the St. John River, New Brunswick. Royal Society of Canada, Transactions, 1(4), 1882, p. 281–284.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1885. On geological contacts and ancient erosion in southern and central New Brunswick. Royal Society of Canada, Transactions, 3(4), 1884, p. 91–97.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1885. Report of exploration and surveys in portions of York and Carleton counties, New Brunswick. Geological and Natural History Survey and Museum of Canada, Report of Progress for 1882–1884, Part 10, 31 p.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1886. Report of explorations and surveys in portions of the counties of Carleton, Victoria, York and Northumberland, New Brunswick. Geological Survey of Canada, Summary Report for 1885, 1, Part G, 31 p.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1887. Elementary Natural History: An Introduction to the Study of Minerals, Plants and animals, with special reference to those of New Brunswick. Geology, p. 1–38.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1887. On the Silurian system of northern Maine, New Brunswick and Québec. Royal Society of Canada, Transactions 4(4), p. 35–41.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1890. On the progress of geological investigation in New Brunswick. Royal Society of Canada, Transactions 7(4), 1889, p. 3–17.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1890. Report on the Cambrian and Cambro-Silurian rocks in northern New Brunswick and Québec. Geological Survey of Canada, Summary Report for 1888–1889, 4, Part A, p. 35–38.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1890. On some relations between the geology of eastern Maine and New Brunswick. Royal Society of Canada, Transactions 7(4), p. 57–68.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1892. The gold-bearing rocks of New Brunswick and the possible discovery of remunerative deposits in that province. Royal Society of Canada, Transactions, 9(4), p. 21–27.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1892. The Minerals Resources of New Brunswick: coal, albertite, anthracite, petroleum, gypsum, antimony, manganese, molybdenite, lead, silver, gold, copper, nickel, building stone, iron, and limonite. Thirty-first Annual Report of the Crown Lands Department for 1891. Province of New Brunswick, p. C1–C10.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1894. The Saint John River in Maine, Québec and New Brunswick. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 178 p.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1897. The Bay of Fundy Trough in American geological history. Royal Society of Canada, Transactions, 3(4), Second Series, p. 107–116.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1897. The mineral resources of the province of New Brunswick. Geological Survey of Canada, Annual Report, 5, Part M, p. 119–120.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1898. The mineral resources of the province of New Brunswick. Geological Survey of Canada, Summary Report 1897, 10, Part M, 128 p.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1899. Manganese, Markamville. In The Mineral Resources of the Province of New Brunswick. Geological Survey of Canada, Annual Report, 10, Part M, p. 43–49.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1900. Notes on economic minerals of New Brunswick collected for the Paris Exposition 1900 and geological investigations in Carleton, York and St. John counties. Geological Survey of Canada, Summary Report 1899, 12, Part A, p. 155–162.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1901. On some geological correlations in New Brunswick. Royal Society of Canada, Transactions, 7(4), Second Series, 1901–02, p. 143–150.  * 
BAILEY, L.W. 1901. On some modes of occurrence of the mineral Albertite. Royal Society of Canada (2), Transactions, 7(4), p. 77–83.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1901. Report on the mineral resources of New Brunswick. Geological Survey of Canada, Summary Report, 1898, 11, Part A, p. 137–139.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1901. Report upon the Carboniferous system of New Brunswick with special reference to workable coal. Geological Survey of Canada, Summary Report 1900, 13, Part M, 38 p.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1903. Notes on the highlands of northern New Brunswick. Natural History Society of New Brunswick, Bulletin 5, no. 21, Part 1, p. 93–101.  * 
BAILEY, L.W. 1903. Summary of work in York and Carleton counties, New Brunswick. Geological Survey of Canada, Summary Report for 1900, 13, Part A, p. 146–151.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1904. New Brunswick caves. Natural History Society of New Brunswick, Bulletin 22, Part 2, p. 155–169.  * 
BAILEY, L.W. 1904. The volcanic rocks of New Brunswick. Royal Society of Canada, Transactions 10(4), Second Series, p. 123–138.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1905. New Brunswick. Geological Survey of Canada, Summary Report 1901, 14, Part A, p. 197–206.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1906. Fossil occurrences and certain economic minerals in New Brunswick. Geological Survey of Canada, Summary Report for 1904, 16, p. 279A–292A.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1906. Geological observations in northern New Brunswick. Geological Survey of Canada, Summary Report for 1902, 15, Part A, p. 384–390.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1906. The gypsum deposits of New Brunswick. Royal Society of Canada, Transactions 12(4), Second Series, p. 3–14.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1908. Descriptive catalogue of a collection of economic minerals of New Brunswick, prepared for the Toronto Exhibition on behalf of the New Brunswick government. Province of New Brunswick, 13 p.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1910. The geological factors in the present configuration of New Brunswick. Royal Society of Canada, Transactions, 3(4), 1909, 3rd Series, p. 45–65.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1910. The history of Curries Mountain-an old New Brunswick volcano. Natural History Society of New Brunswick, Bulletin 6, no. 28, p. 189–197.  * 
BAILEY, L.W. 1911. The freshwater diatoms and diatomaceous earths of New Brunswick. Natural History Society of New Brunswick, Bulletin 29, p. 291–320.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1912. Diatoms of New Brunswick: Forms from the north shore. Natural History Society of New Brunswick, Bulletin 6, p. 387–418.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1912. Upon some curious structures in the gypsum of Albert County, New Brunswick. Royal Society of Canada, Transactions, 5(4), Third Series, p. 121–124.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1920. The Palaeo-geography of Acadia. Royal Society of Canada, Transactions, 13(4), 1919, 3rd Series, p. 1–16.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1923. Tribute to Late Dr. G.F. Matthew. The (Saint John, New Brunswick) Globe, April 21.  
BAILEY, L.W. 1923. George F. Matthew. Royal Society of Canada, Proceedings and Transactions, p. 7–10.  
BAILEY, L.W. and ELLS, R.W. 1878. Report on the Lower Carboniferous belt of Albert and Westmorland counties, New Brunswick, including Albert shales. Geological Survey of Canada, Report of Progress 1876–77, Part 12, p. 351–401.  
BAILEY, L.W. and ELLS, R.W. 1878. Geological map of the Lower Carboniferous rocks of Albert and Westmorland counties. In Report of Progress for 1876–1877, Geological Survey of Canada, Map (with marginal notes), Part 12, p. 350.  
BAILEY, L.W. and MATTHEW, G.F. 1870. Remarks on the age and relationships of the metamorphic rocks of New Brunswick and Maine. Association for the Advancement of Science, Proceedings, 18, p. 179–195.  
BAILEY, L.W. and MATTHEW, G.F. 1872. Preliminary report on the geology of southern New Brunswick. Geological Survey of Canada, Report of Progress for 1870–71, Part 2, p. 13–240.  
BAILEY, L.W. and MATTHEW, G.F. 1873. Report of observations on the Carboniferous system of New Brunswick in the counties of Queens, Sunbury and a portion of York. Geological Survey of Canada, Report of Progress for 1872–1873, Part 8, p. 180–230.  
BAILEY, L.W. and MATTHEW, G.F. 1876. Summary report of geological observations in New Brunswick. Geological Survey of Canada, Report of Progress from 1874–75, p. 84–89.  
BAILEY, L.W. and MATTHEW, G.F. 1919. Some problems of New Brunswick geology. Royal Society of Canada, Transactions, 12(4), 3rd Series, p. 105–130.  
BAILEY, L.W. and MCINNES W. 1889. Report on explorations and surveys in portions of northern New Brunswick and adjacent areas in Québec and in Maine, U.S. Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada, Annual Report, 3, Part M, p. 5–52.  
BAILEY, L.W. and MCINNES, W. 1887. Report on explorations in portions of the counties of Victoria, Northumberland and Restigouche, New Brunswick. Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada, Annual Report for 1886, 2, Part N, p. 5–19.  
BAILEY, L.W. and MCINNES, W. 1893. Report on portions of the province of Québec and adjoining areas in New Brunswick and Maine, relating more especially to the counties of Temiscouata and Rimouski, P.Q. Geological Survey of Canada, Annual Report, 5, Part M, p. 5–28.  
BAILEY, L.W., MATTHEW, G.F., and ELLS, R.W. 1877. Report of geological observations in southern New Brunswick. Geological Survey of Canada, Report of Progress 1875–76, Part 16, p. 348–368.  
BAILEY, L.W., MATTHEW, G.F., and ELLS, R.W. 1880. Report on the geology of southern New Brunswick, embracing the counties of Charlotte, Sunbury, Queens, Kings, St. John and Albert. Geological Survey of Canada, Report of Progress for 1878–79, Part D, p. 1–26.  
BAIRD, D. 1988. The development of an interactive system for the two-dimensional modelling of gravity data. Unpublished B.Sc. thesis, Department of Geology, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 88 p.  
BAIRD, D.M. 1960. Contributed discussion on origin of the New Brunswick gypsum deposits by J. Olaf Sund. Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Bulletin 53, no. 574, p. 107–108.  
BAIRD, D.M. 1962. Rocks and scenery of Fundy National Park. Geological Survey of Canada, Miscellaneous Report 2, 32 p.  
BAIRD, J. 1894. The Caraquet Coal Seam. Thirty-third Annual Report of the Crown Lands Department for 1893. Province of New Brunswick, p. C27–C28.  
BAKER, R.W. 1995. Underground incentives-their development, application and effect at Brunswick No. 12 mine, Bathurst, New Brunswick. Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Bulletin 88, no. 987, p. 29–31.  * 
BAKKER, J.A. and VAN DIEPEN, P.S. 1982. Het ontstaan van gyttja's in Holocene sedimenten langs het Cumberland Basin en de Holocene ontwikkeling van de Kustvlakte langs de Northumberland Strait (Canada). (The genesis of gyttja's in the holocene sediments along the Cumberland Basin and the holocene development of the coastal plain along the Northumberland Strait). Unpublished Report of Doctoral Fieldwork, Free University of Amsterdam, 76 p.  
BALDWIN, A.B. 1954. The nature and genesis of the iron ore of the Hayot Lake area, Labrador-New Québec in comparison with those of New Brunswick. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 92 p.  
BALDWIN, D.K. 1991. Physical volcanology, geochemistry and depositional setting of Siluro-Devonian volcanic rocks near St. Andrews, New Brunswick. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, 231 p.  
BALL, F.D. 1980. Geophysical borehole logging calibration facilities, Fredericton: Supplementary Report No. 3 of the Carboniferous Drilling Project. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Development Branch, Open File 80-9, 12 p.  * 
BALL, F.D. 1983. Evaluation of the analysis of drill chips produced by the Carboniferous Drilling Project. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Division, Open File 82-33, 166 p.  * 
BALL, F.D. 1989. Evaluation of New Brunswick shale oil for its potential as an asphalt feedstock. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Open File 89-5, 81 p.  * 
BALL, F.D. and GEMMELL, D.E. 1985. The New Brunswick coal resource. In Coal in Canada, T.H. Patching (editor). Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Special Volume 31, p. 70–77.  
BALL, F.D. and MACAULEY, G. 1988. The geology of New Brunswick oil shales, eastern Canada. In International Conference on Oil Shale and Shale Oil (in conjunction with Colorado, School of Mines 21st Oil Shale Symposium), May 16–19, 1988, Beijing, China, Chemical Industry Press, p. 34–41.  
BALL, F.D., SULLIVAN, R.M., and PEACH, A.R. 1981. Carboniferous Drilling Project. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Development Branch, Report of Investigations 18, 109 p.  * 
BALLARD, R.D. and UCHUPI, E. 1975. Triassic rift structure in Gulf of Maine. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin 59, p. 1041–1072.  * 
BALZER, S.A. 1990. Quaternary geology of the Canterbury map area (NTS 21 G/14), York County, New Brunswick: preliminary report. In Project Summaries for 1990, Fifteenth Annual Review of Activities. Edited by S.A. Abbott. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Mineral Resources, Information Circular 90-2, p. 44–45.  * 
BALZER, S.A. 1991. Quaternary geology and dispersal patterns of the Canterbury map area (NTS 21 G/14), York County, New Brunswick. In Project Summaries for 1991, Sixteenth Annual Review of Activities. Edited by S.A. Abbott. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Mineral Resources, Information Circular 91-2, p. 28–29.  * 
BALZER, S.A. 1992. Quaternary geology and dispersal patterns of the Canterbury area, New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Mineral Resources, Open File 92-5, 192 p. (M.Sc. thesis, Department of Geology, University of New Brunswick).  * 
BALZER, S.A. and BROSTER, B.E. 1994. Comparison of clast and matrix dispersal in till: Canterbury area, New Brunswick. Atlantic Geology, 30, p. 9–17.  * 
BAMWOYA, J.J. 1978. Exploration geochemistry in the Burnt Hill area, New Brunswick: distribution of elements in bedrock and in heavy and light fractions of stream sediments. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 377 p.  
BANNISTER, J.D. 2001. Sedimentology and quality of reservoir sandstones within the Carboniferous Frederick Brook Member, Albert Formation, Moncton Subbasin, New Brunswick. Unpublished B.Sc. thesis (Honours), University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 39 p.  
BARKER, J.S, SOMERVILLE, P.G., and MCLAREN, J.P. 1989. Modeling ground-motion attenuation in eastern North America. Tectonophysics, 167, p. 139–149.  * 
BARKHOUSE, J. 1980. Abraham Gesner. Fitzhenry and Whiteside, Don Mills, Ontario, 64 p.  
BARLOW, A.E. 1905. Description of nickel-bearing deposits near St. Stephen, New Brunswick. Geological Survey of Canada, Summary Report for 1901, Part H, p. 151–154.  
BARLOW, S. 1884. Bedrock Geology Springhill Sheet (4 N.W.), Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Map No. 230, NTS 11 E, L; 21 H, I; scale 1 inch to 4 mile. (Surface Geology on Map 561).  
BARNETT, D.E. 1967. Some potential bloating shales from New Brunswick. Research and Productivity Council, Research Note 9. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Minerals Division, Reference 162, 14 p.  * 
BARNETT, D.E. 1969. The composition of some diatomite samples from Charlotte County, New Brunswick. Research and Productivity Council, Research Note 20, 7 p.  
BARNETT, D.E. 1982. Aggregate resource management in New Brunswick. Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Bulletin 75, no. 844, p. 103–109  * 
BARNETT, D.E. 1982. Statutory, reclamation and supply aspects of mineral aggregate production in Canada. Report prepared for Committee No. 1, Technical, Mines Ministers Conference 1977. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Division, Open File 82-13, 73 p (For New Brunswick see p. 23–29 only).  
BARNETT, D.E. 1983. Potash production in New Brunswick. TFI Special Feature, 4 p.  * 
BARNETT, D.E. 1984. Industrial mineral production in New Brunswick -1983. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Mines Branch, Unpublished Report, 18 p.  * 
BARNETT, D.E. 1984. Summary of industrial minerals in New Brunswick. In The Geology of Industrial Minerals in Canada, G.R. Guillet and W. Martin (editors). Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Special Volume 29, p. 48–54.  
BARNETT, D.E. 1986. Industrial minerals in New Brunswick, 1985. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Minerals Division, Unpublished Report, 18 p.  * 
BARNETT, D.E. and ABBOTT, D. 1966. The evaluation of possible ceramic materials from New Brunswick. New Brunswick Research and Productivity Council, Research Note 6. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Minerals Division, Reference 160, 30 p.  *