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DADD, K.A. and VAN WAGONER, N. 2001. Physical volcanology of the Silurian CVB rocks of Passamaquaddy Bay, southwestern New Brunswick. In Guidebook to Field Trips in New Brunswick and Eastern Maine Edited by R.K. Pickerill and D.R. Lentz. New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 93rd Annual Meeting, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Trip C-2, p. 1–13.  * 
DADD, K.A. and VAN WAGONER, N.A. 2002. Magma composition and viscosity as controlson perperite texture: an example from Passamaquoddy, southern Canada. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 114, p. 63–80.  
DAGGER, G.W. 1972. Genesis of the Mt. Pleasant tungsten-molybdenum–bismuth deposit, New Brunswick. Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Transactions, Section B, 81, Bulletin 786, p. 73–102.  * 
DAIGLE, A.E. 2005. Stratigraphy and three-dimensional architecture of surficial sediments at Fredericton, NB. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, University of New Brunswick, 163 p.  
DAIGLE, A.E., GILLISS, M., and PUPEK, D.A. 2009. The New Brunswick Groundwater Chemistry Atlas: a geographical representation of groundwater quality in New Brunswick. In Field Trip Guide Book: Intrusion-related Polymetallic Deposits in southwestern and Central New Brunswick. Compiled by K.G. Thorne, 24th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium (IAGS) 2009, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, p. 1005–1008.  * 
DAIGLE, J.-Y, MALLET, A., and CARVER, C. 1995. The effect of peat moss particles on the physiology and survival of the American oyster, Crassostrea. In Peat Industry and Environment, Estonaian Ministry of Environment, Environment Information Centre, p. 60–62.  
DAIGLE, J.-Y, MALLET, A., et DUGUAY, M. 1991. L'industrie de la tourbe horticole au Nouveau-Brunswick: un effort vers l'uniformisation du contrôle de la qualité. Actes du Symposium 89, Tourbes et Tourbières, Québec, Canada. Volume II-Nouveaux produits, p. 226–229.  
DAIGLE, J.-Y, MATHUR, S.P., et ARSENEAU, A. 1991. La tourbe de sphaigne dans le compostage: une solution à deux problèmes. Actes du Symposium 89, Tourbes et Tourbières, Québec, Canada. Volume II-Nouveaux produits, p. 64–66.  
DAIGLE, J.-Y. 1991. Bassins de sédimentation pour les canaux de drainage des tourbières. In Tourbe '91-Comptesrendus, Shippagan, N.–B. p. 1–18.  
DAIGLE, J.-Y. 1993. Peat moss for waste water treatment. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Mineral Resources, Open File 93-3, 57 p.  * 
DAIGLE, J.-Y. et ARSENEAU A. 1989. Les travaux de contrôle de qualité au CRDT. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Open File 89-33, p. 51–78.  * 
DAIGLE, J.-Y., ARSENEAU, A., and GAUTREAU-DAIGLE, H. 1988. Reclamation options for abandoned commercial peatlands. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Open File 88-7, 187 p.  * 
DAIGLE, J.-Y., ARSENEAU, A., and ROBICHAUD, A. 1987. Sphagnum peat: a tool for liquid hog manure management. Proceedings Symposium 87 Wetlands/Peatlands, Edmonton, Alberta, 173–176.  
DAIGLE, J.-Y., ARSENEAU, A., et GAUTREAU-DAIGLE, H. 1988. Les utilisations potentielles des tourbières suite à leur exploitation commerciale/Reclamation options for abandoned commercial peatlands. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Open File 88-7, 189 p.  * 
DAIGLE, J.-Y., GAUTREAU-DAIGLE, H. et MALLET, A. 1991. Les mélanges à base de tourbe : un labyrinthe professionnel. Actes du Symposium 89, Tourbes et Tourbières, Québec, Canada. Volume II-Nouveaux produits, p. 11–14.  
DAINTY, A.M., BLANCHARD, J.E., KEEN, C.E., and KEEN, M.J. 1966. Seismic studies on the eastern seaboard of Canada. In The Appalachian System and the Continental Margin, J. Steinhart and T. Smith (editors). American Geophysical Union, Monograph 10, p. 349–369.  
DALLMEYER, R.D. and NANCE, R.D. 1990. 40Ar/39Ar ages of detrital muscovite within early Paleozoic overstep sequences, Avalon composite terrane, southern New Brunswick: implications for extent of late Paleozoic tectonothermal overprint. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 27, p. 1209–1214.  * 
DALLMEYER, R.D. and NANCE, R.D. 1992. Tectonic implications of 40Ar/39Ar mineral ages from late Precambrian-Cambrian plutons, Avalon composite terrane, southern New Brunswick, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 29, p. 2445–2462.  * 
DALLMEYER, R.D. and NANCE, R.D. 1994. 40Ar/39Ar whole-rock phyllite ages from late Precambrian rocks of the Avalon composit terrane, New Brunswick: evidence of Silurian–Devonian thermal rejuvenation. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 31, p. 818–824.  * 
DALLMEYER, R.D., DOIG, R., NANCE, R.D., and MURPHY, J.B. 1990. 40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb mineral ages from the Brookville Gneiss: implications for terrane analysis and evolution of Avalonian basement in southern New Brunswick. Atlantic Geology, 26, p. 247–258.  * 
DALLMEYER, R.D., KEPPIE, J.D., and NANCE, R.D. 1997. 40Ar/39Ar ages of detrital muscovite within Lower Cambrian and Carboniferous clastic sequences in northern Nova Scotia and southern New Brunswick: implications for provenance regions. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 34, p. 156–168.  * 
DALRYMPLE, R.W., AMOS, C.L., and MCCANN, S.B. 1982. Beach and nearshore depositional environments of the Bay of Fundy and southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. In Guidebook, International Association of Sedimentologists, 116 p.  
DALTON, E. 1987. Sedimentary facies and diagenesis of the Lower Devonian Temiscouata and Fortin formations, northern Appalachians, Québec and New Brunswick. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, 228 p.  
DALY, R.A. 1901. The physiography of Acadia. Harvard College, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Bulletin, Geological Series, 38, p. 73–104.  
DANIEL, K.E. 1981. Vertical crater retreat mining at Heath Steele Mines Limited. Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Reporter, May 5, 1981, 7 p.  * 
DANIEL, P.E. 1983. Full data listing 1983, Pointe Sapin, New Brunswick. National Research Council of Canada, Associate Committee for Research on Shoreline Erosion and Sedimentation, Report C2S2-2.  
DANIEL, P.E. 1985. Data summary index 1983, Pointe Sapin, New Brunswick. National Research Council of Canada, Associate Committee for Research on Shoreline Erosion and Sedimentation, Report C2S2-16, 15 p.  
DARRAH, W.C. 1935. Permian elements in the fossil flora of the Appalachian province. 1. Taenipteris. Harvard University, Museum of Botany, Leaflets, 3, no. 9, p. 137–148.  
DARRAH, W.C. 1936. Permian elements in the fossil flora of the Appalachian province. 2. Walchia. Harvard University, Museum of Botany, Leaflets, 4, no. 2, p. 9–19.  
DAVID, J. 1993. Evolution geologique du segment nord de l'orogene Appalachien a la transition des episodes de deformation Taconien et Acadien: exemples des regions de Temiscouata-Rimouski, Québec et de Woodstock, Nouveau–Brunswick. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Universite de Montréal, Montréal, Québec.  
DAVID, J., GARIEPY, C., and PHILIPPE, S. 1991. Lower Paleozoic tholeiitic dykes from central New Brunswick: possible evidence for the early opening of an ensialic Taconian back-arc basin. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 28, p. 1444–1454.  * 
DAVIDSON-ARNOTT, G.D. and GREENWOOD, B. 1974. Bedforms and structures associated with bar topography in the shallow-water wave environment, Kouchibouguac Bay, New Brunswick, Canada. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 44, p. 698–704.  
DAVIDSON-ARNOTT, G.D. and GREENWOOD, B. 1976. Facies relationships on a barred coast, Kouchibouguac Bay, New Brunswick, Canada. In Beach and Nearshore Sedimentation. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Special Publication, 24, p. 149–168.  
DAVIDSON-ARNOTT, R. 1975. Form, movement and sedimentological characteristics of wave formed bars; a study of their role in nearshore equilibrium, Kouchibouguac Bay, New Brunswick. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario.  
DAVIES, J.J.A. 1995. A hydrogeological investigation of methods in New Maryland, New Brunswick, Canada. Unpublished B.Sc. thesis, Department of Geology, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 277 p.  
DAVIES, J.L. 1959. Geology map O-5, parts of Tetagouche, Jacquet and Nigadoo rivers, New Brunswick. Department of Natural Resources, Mines Branch, Geological Notes Series, PM 59-1, 11 p.  * 
DAVIES, J.L. 1960. Trace elements in the rocks and ore of the Bathurst-Newcastle District, New Brunswick, Canada. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 200 p.  
DAVIES, J.L. 1964. Geology of the Nigadoo River area. Geological Survey of Canada, Summary of Activities, Field 1964, Paper 64-1, p. 62–63.  
DAVIES, J.L. 1966. Geology of Bathurst-Newcastle area, N.B. In Guidebook, Geology of Parts of Atlantic Provinces, W.H. Poole (editor). Geological Association of Canada / Mineralogical Association of Canada, Annual Meeting, September 1966, Halifax, Nova Scotia, p. 33–43.  * 
DAVIES, J.L. 1967. The geology of the Shaft and Hachey ore bodies, Québec Sturgeon River Mines Limited, Gloucester County, New Brunswick. In Geological Investigations in New Brunswick, R.R. Potter (editor). New Brunswick Department of Lands and Mines, Mines Branch, Information Circular 67-1, p. 21–25.  * 
DAVIES, J.L. 1968. Geological map of northeastern New Brunswick. In Geological Investigations in New Brunswick, R.R. Potter (editor). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch, Information Circular 68-1, p. 17–18.  * 
DAVIES, J.L. 1970. Geology and exploration opportunities in northern New Brunswick. Canadian Mining Journal, April 1970, Volume 91, no. 4, p. 63.  
DAVIES, J.L. 1972. The geology and geochemistry of the Austin Brook Area, Gloucester County, New Brunswick, with special emphasis on the Austin Brook iron formation. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, 254 p.  
DAVIES, J.L. 1972. The Bathurst-Newcastle area. International Geological Congress, XXIV, Field Guide A-58, p. 50–58.  
DAVIES, J.L. 1973. Geology of the Miramichi Zone (north), northeastern New Brunswick. Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Bulletin 66, p. 60–61.  
DAVIES, J.L. 1973. Geological investigations in New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch, Information Circular 73-1, 25 p.  * 
DAVIES, J.L. 1973. Zeolite facies metamorphism in the Silurian-Devonian fold belt of northeastern New Brunswick: discussion. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 10, p. 1359. 1973. Mossman, D.J. and Bachinski, D.J. Reply. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 10, p. 1360–1361. 1972. Mossman, D.J. Original Article. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 9, p. 1703–1709.  * 
DAVIES, J.L. 1974. New Brunswick-new developments and futures possibilities. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch, Topical Report 74-2, 19 p.  * 
DAVIES, J.L. 1979. Geological map of northern New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch, Map NR-3.  
DAVIES, J.L. 1991. Zinc, lead, copper reserves-northern New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Division, Reference 211, 15 p.  * 
DAVIES, J.L. and MCALLISTER, A.L. 1980. Geology and massive sulphides of the Bathurst area, New Brunswick. Geological Association of Canada / Mineralogical Association of Canada, Halifax 80, Field Trip Guidebook, Trip 16, 56 p.  * 
DAVIES, J.L. and SEAMAN, A.A. 1982. Bedrock and surficial geology of St. Quentin, New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Division, Open File 82-32, 5 p.  * 
DAVIES, J.L. and SEAMAN, A.A. 1983. Bedrock and surficial geology, Rexton, New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Division, Open File 83-9, 4 p.  * 
DAVIES, J.L. and SEAMAN, A.A. 1983. Bedrock and surficial geology, village of St. François de Madawaska, N.B. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Division, Open File 83-8, 6 p.  * 
DAVIES, J.L. and SMITH, R.N. 1966. Geology of the Brunswick No. 6 and No. 12 sulphide deposits. In Guidebook, Geology of Parts of Atlantic Provinces, W.H. Poole (editor). Geological Association of Canada / Mineralogical Association of Canada, Annual Meeting, Halifax, 1966, p. 45–57.  * 
DAVIES, J.L., FYFFE, L.R., and IRRINKI, R.R. 1973. The geology of the Miramichi Zone (north), northeastern New Brunswick. Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Unpublished Paper, 23 p.  * 
DAVIES, J.L., FYFFE, L.R., and IRRINKI, R.R. 1973. Geological mapping in the Miramichi Zone (north). In Geological Investigations in New Brunswick, J.L. Davies (editor). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch, Information Circular 73-1, p. 19–25.  * 
DAVIES, J.L., FYFFE, L.R., and IRRINKI, R.R. 1978. Geochemistry of volcanic rocks from the Tetagouche Group, Bathurst, New Brunswick, Canada: Discussion. Unpublished Report, 6 p. 1978. Whitehead, R.E.S. and Goodfellow, W.D. Original Article. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 15, p. 207–219. 1978. Helmstaedt, H. Discussion. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 15, p. 1680–1681. 1978. Whitehead, R.E.S. and Goodfellow, W.D. Reply. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 15, p. 1681–1683.  * 
DAVIES, J.L., FYFFE, L.R., and MCALLISTER, A.L. 1983. Geology and massive sulphides of the Bathurst area, New Brunswick. In Field Trip Guidebook to Stratabound Sulphide Deposits, Bathurst Area, New Brunswick, Canada and West-Central New England, U.S.A., D.E. Sangster, (editor). International Geological Correlation Program Correlation of Caledonian Stratabound Sulphides Symposium, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Geological Survey of Canada, Miscellaneous Report 36, p. 1–30.  * 
DAVIES, J.L., LAMARCHE, R.Y., MCALLISTER, A.L., SANGSTER, D.F., STRONG, D.F., and ZENTILLI, M. 1980. Summary data on stratabound sulphide deposits in the Canadian Caledonides (Appalachians). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 677, 40 p.  
DAVIES, J.L., MCCUTCHEON, S.R., and RUITENBERG, A.A. 1991. Discoveries spark interest. In Exploration and Development Highlights. Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada, Special Publication, Volume 3, p. 45–47.  * 
DAVIES, J.L., MCCUTCHEON, S.R., and RUITENBERG, A.A. 1992. Main exploration targets continue to be base metals and gold. Exploration and Development Highlights, March 1992, p. 34–35.  * 
DAVIES, J.L., TUPPER, W.M., BACHINSKI, D., BOYLE, R.W., and MARTIN, R. 1969. Geology and mineral deposits of the Nigadoo River-Millstream River area, Gloucester County, New Brunswick. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 67-49, 70 p.  
DAVIES, J.L., VAN STAAL, C.R., LUFF, W., ARCHIBALD, D., and FYFFE, L.R. 1985. Massive sulphide deposits of the Bathurst-Newcastle area, New Brunswick, Canada. In Fredericton 85, Field Excursions, R.K. Pickerill, C.K. Mawer, and L.R. Fyffe (editors). Geological Association of Canada / Mineralogical Association of Canada, Excursion 2, 72 p.  * 
DAVIES, M.H. 1990. Mobile-bed modelling of a macro-tidal beach. In Proceedings of the Canadian Coastal Conference 1990, M.H. Davies (editor). Associate Committee on Shorelines, National Research Council, May 1990, p. 131–144.  * 
DAVIS, D.W. 1974. New Brunswick evaporites in an economic context. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch, Topical Report 74-5, 33 p.  * 
DAVIS, D.W. 1975. Prospecting and development opportunities in New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch, Topical Report 75-1, 14 p.  * 
DAVIS, D.W. 1983. Recent New Brunswick agreements for oil shale and potash: unique arrangements or the beginning of a trend. Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Bulletin 76, p. 125–129.  * 
DAVIS, D.W. 1987. The limestone industry in New Brunswick, Volume I-Report. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Mineral Resources Division, Open File 87-6, 117 p.  * 
DAVIS, D.W. 1987. The limestone industry in New Brunswick, Volume II-Appendices. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Division, Open File 87-7, 160 p.  * 
DAVIS, D.W. 2003. Mineral exploration title acquisition and designation in New Brunswick: A survey and recommendations for the Department of Natural Resources and Energy. DALMIN Corporation, Unpublished Report, 89 p.  
DAVIS, G.H. 1971. Structural analysis of the Caribou sulphide deposit, Bathurst, New Brunswick, Canada. Preprint, A.I.M.E. Annual Meeting, 1971, 31 p. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Michigan University, Ann Arbor, Michigan.  
DAVIS, G.H. 1972. Deformational history of the Caribou strata-bound sulfide deposit, Bathurst, New Brunswick, Canada. Economic Geology, 67, p. 634–655. 1973. Helmstaedt, H. Discussion. Economic Geology, 68, p. 571–572. 1973. Davis, G.H. A reply. Economic Geology, 68, p. 572–577.  * 
DAVIS, H.O. 1964. Canadian coal geology: An annotated toponymic bibliography of Geological Survey of Canada Publications, 1845–1862. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario.  
DAVIS, W.J. and WILLIAMS-JONES, A.E. 1985. A fluid inclusion study of the porphyry-greisen, tungsten–molybdenum deposit at Mount Pleasant, New Brunswick, Canada. Mineralium Deposita, 20, p. 94–101.  * 
DAVIS, W.J., CHI, G., CASTONGUAY, S., and MCLEOD, M., 2004. Temporal relationships between plutonism, metamorphism and gold mineralization in southwestern New Brunswick: U-Pb and 40Ar-39Ar geochronological constraints. Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2004-F2, 20 p.  * 
DAVISON, J.G. 1988. Mineralogy of metallurgical products from Lake George antimony mine, Durham Resources Incorporated, Prince William, N.B. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Open File 88-22, 89 p.  * 
DAVISON, J.G. 1988. Mineralogical studies of Mount Pleasant tungsten ore. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Open File 88-18, 147 p.  * 
DAVISON, J.G. 1988. Mineralogical investigation of several gold-bearing ores. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Open File 88-17, 76 p.  * 
DAWSON, J.C. 1925. Oil-shales. Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Bulletin 18, p. 26–59 (For New Brunswick info see p. 55–59 only).  
DAWSON, J.W. 1847. The Gypsum of Nova Scotia. Academy of Natural Science, Philadelphia, Proceedings, 3, p. 270–274.  
DAWSON, J.W. 1853. On the Albert Mine, Hillsborough, New Brunswick. Geological Society of London, Quarterly Journal, 9, p. 107–115.  * 
DAWSON, J.W. 1855. Acadian geology: An account of the geological structure and mineral resources of Nova Scotia and portions of the neighbouring provinces of British America. Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, Scotland, 388 p.  
DAWSON, J.W. 1859. On fossil plants from the Devonian rocks of Canada. Geological Society of London, Quarterly Journal, 15, p. 477–488.  
DAWSON, J.W. 1859. On the lower coal measures as developed in British America. Geological Society of London, Quarterly Journal, 15, p. 62–76. 1859. Canadian Naturalist and Geologist, 4, p. 303–305.  
DAWSON, J.W. 1859. Recent researches in the Devonian and Carboniferous flora of British America. American Association of Advanced Science, p. 308–310. 1859. Canadian Naturalist and Geologist, 4, p. 297–298.  
DAWSON, J.W. 1860. On the fossil plants of the Devonian rocks of Canada. Canadian Naturalist and Geologist, 5, p. 1–14.  
DAWSON, J.W. 1861. On the pre-Carboniferous flora of New Brunswick, Maine and eastern Canada. Canadian Naturalist and Geologist, 6, p. 162–180.  
DAWSON, J.W. 1861. On fossil plants from Perry, Maine. Sixth Annual Report of the Secretary of the Maine Board of Agriculture, p. 249–251.  
DAWSON, J.W. 1862. On the flora of the Devonian period in northeastern America. Geological Society of London, Quarterly Journal, 18, p. 296–330. 1862. American Journal of Science (2), 35, p. 311–319. 1863. American Journal of Science, 35, p. 41–42.  
DAWSON, J.W. 1862. Fossil plants discovered at Perry, Maine. Portland Society of Natural History, Proceedings, 1, p. 99–100.  
DAWSON, J.W. 1866. On the conditions of the deposition of coal, more especially as illustrated by the coal formation of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Geological Society of London, Quarterly Journal, 22, p. 95–169.  
DAWSON, J.W. 1866. Note on the supposed burrows of worms in the Laurentian rocks of Canada. Canadian Naturalist and Geology, Second Series, 3, p. 321–322. 1866. Geological Society of London, Quarterly Journal, 22, p. 608–609. 1866. Philosophical Magazine, 32, p. 234.  
DAWSON, J.W. 1867. On recent geological discoveries in the Acadian provinces of British America. American Association of Advanced Science, Proceedings, p. 117–119. 1867. Canadian Naturalist and Geologist, Second Series, 3, p. 295–297.  
DAWSON, J.W. 1867. On some remains of Paleozoic insects recently discovered in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Geological Magazine, 4, p. 385–388. 1867. Canadian Naturalist, New Series, 3, p. 202–206.  
DAWSON, J.W. 1867. Coal discoveries and primordial fossils in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Geological Magazine, 4, p. 73–74.  
DAWSON, J.W. 1868. Acadian Geology: The geological structure, organic remains, and mineral resources of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island. Second Edition, MacMillan and Co., London, p. 128–213.  * 
DAWSON, J.W. 1868. On recent geological discoveries in the Acadian provinces of British America. Canadian Naturalist, New Series, 3, p. 295–297.  
DAWSON, J.W. 1868. Acadian Geology: The geological structure, organic remains, and mineral resources of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island. Second Edition, Macmillan and Co., London, p. 224–250.  * 
DAWSON, J.W. 1870. Notes on new points and corrections in Acadian geology. Nova Scotia Institute of Natural Science, Transactions, 2, p. 166–169.  
DAWSON, J.W. 1870. On the pre-Carboniferous floras of northeastern America, with special reference to that of the Erian (Devonian) period. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 6, p. 103–105.