Constructed in c.1784;
Designated Protected
in 1977
Reported to be the first two-storey house in St. Andrews, this building is closely associated with John Dunn, an early settler who arrived in St. Andrews in 1784.
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Bonar Law House Rexton, Kent County
Constructed in c.1845;
Designated Protected
in 1977
Built c.1845, this classic farmhouse is intimately associated with Andrew Bonar Law, the only Canadian-born prime minister of Great Britain. Operates as a developed site by the Culture & Sport Secretariat.
Constructed in c.1800;
Designated Protected
in 1977
This c.1800 Loyalist house displays striking integrity in layout and finishes, reflecting accurately the lives of early settlers.
MacDonald Farm Bartibog, Northumberland County
Constructed from 1815 to 1820;
Designated Protected
in 1977
One of the province's most important historic assets, this stone house is similar to Georgian tradition houses found in rural Scotland. It was built between 1815 and 1820. Operates as a developed site by the Culture & Sport Secretariat.
Old Northumberland County Court House Miramichi, Northumberland County
Constructed in 1829;
Designated Protected
in 1977
For 86 years, this building, constructed in 1829 by local builder William Murray, figured prominently in the political and social life of Northumberland County.