New Brunswick Author Portal

M.T.  Dohaney
Categories: Female AuthorsAnglophone AuthorsNovelistsSaint John River Valley

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Source: Flanker Press website


Born in Newfoundland. Moved to New Brunswick after my marriage to Walter J. Dohaney, a New Brunswick native. He returned to UNB to finish his studies in Engineering. I, too, graduated from UNB. I taught in the public schools of New Brunswick, eventually earning a Master’s degree in English Education from Maine, USA and a doctorate in English Education from Boston University. I taught Scientific Writing to the Forestry students at UNB for almost twenty years.

How has New Brunswick influenced your work?

New Brunswick provided me with the opportunity to write my novels. Teaching here allowed me an amount of time – summer holidays – to put towards my writing. NB – especially Fredericton, provided me with excellent libraries – University and City – as well as an easily accessible Archives.

I live in a condo overlooking the Saint John River and the beauty of its ever-changing scenery never fails to inspire me. My novel, A Marriage of Masks, is set in Fredericton in the Autumn – the most beautiful time of year in New Brunswick and especially along the Saint John River. I have come to know and love New Brunswick through my children whose roots are here.

What do you consider to be the highlight of your career so far?

The highlight was a $10.00 sale – my very first sale. It was from the Annals of Ste Anne, Quebec. I had sent in a story – my very first entry anywhere – anytime. I told no one because I was embarrassed by my nerve. When a check arrived & asking if I had other material that I could offer, I was "over the moon." Thomas Head Raddall Award was also very exciting – my second highlight.

Literary Prizes

Thomas Head Raddall Atlantic Fiction Prize

Featured Publication

The Flannigans

Find this author in the New Brunswick public libraries catalogue.

Source(s): Author.