Vault Contents

juin 26, 2012 | Affiché sous : Smarten Up

Andrew Lockhart, Co-op librarian

Did you know that the main vault at the Legislative Library holds all of New Brunswick’s acts, journals, and the debates of the Legislative Assembly going back to the foundation of the province?

The vault at the Legislative Library contains the records of debate of the Provincial Legislature, also known as Journal of Debates, Hansard or Synoptic Reports. The vault also contains all published NB Royal Gazettes, which is the official government newspaper. Published by the Queen’s Printer,  they contain proclamations, appointments, notices, orders in council, and other government business.

The other most commonly used materials that are found in the vault are the Journals of the House, which are summaries of the proceedings of the House, as well as all of the annual volumes of NB’s Public and Private Acts along with consolidations of Public Acts. Finally, we have a copy of all annual reports of all New Brunswick Departments and Agencies that were deposited with the library dating back to the early 1800s.

So if you need NB legislative material from 2005, 1955, or 1855, we can help.

If you need any of these resources, please contact the Reference Desk at 453-2338 or [email protected], or visit the library Monday to Friday, 8:15-5:00.